Page 52 of Orc's Craving
“Take her to the palace.” Madr braced my shoulder in support. “Place her in the cream suite and put pressure on the wound until I can bring the court healer to her.”
With a nod, I left him, turning right at the corner and running toward the sea.
Beyond the outer gate to the palace, the broad area between the enormous building and the rest of the city was made up of a large courtyard full of flower gardens, paths, and fountains.
The other side of the palace faced the sea. Those walls had yet to be breached by dresalods, though if a few reached the top, the elite guard would destroy them. And the bars across the windows kept the creatures out. They’d find no entrance at the roof either, since it was equally seamless and made of smooth metal the staff regularly greased. Let them cling to the flags jutting up from the top of the towers and wail as we shoot them down with steel-tipped arrows.
The guards swept open the gate, nodding as I passed. Madr was the heir to the throne. If he didn’t openly call me brother, they might’ve barred my way even though I commanded the army.
My father only allowed me entrance when the whim struck him. I hadn’t been raised here or in the larger castle in the mountains. When the king told my mother to leave, that he was mating with another, she took me to her home her parents left her in the foothills of the mountains where she’d grown up. When she was killed by the shaydes, the estate became mine.
I raced across the open stretches of lawn, leaping over flowerbeds, and took the stairs to the main entrance three at a time. Rushing toward the stately carved wooden doors, I smacked my shoulder into one before the guard could hurry forward and swing it open.
Inside the foyer, I ignored the urgent calls of the guards and rushed up the stairs, taking them as fast as I could.
“Send Mastivule to the cream room,” I shouted to the head of the guards as I reached the first landing and started up the next flight of stairs.
“As you will, Commander,” one of the guards called after me. “I’ll see to it right away.”
“Bring the medical cabinet to the room immediately as well,” I added as I rounded another landing and continued to the third floor. “Madr will bring the court healer.”
“I will see it done right away, sir!”
I twisted the doorknob to the cream suite and hurried inside. When I laid Rhoslyn gently on the bed, she didn’t move or make a sound. I pressed my ear against her chest and was grateful to hear her strong heartbeat.
What would I do if I lost her?
I couldn’t dwell on that now. Rushing to one of the bureaus, I pawed through the clothing intended for whichever guest might stop by and spend the night, tugging out a tunic. Everything was new and had never been used.
After tearing the shirt into strips, I wrapped one around her thigh above the wound and tightened it.
The flow of blood slowed to a trickle. Had the claw severed something vital inside my mate’s leg?
In the adjoining bathing room, I saturated strips of tunic with icy water in the sink, running back to the room with them leaving a dripped trail behind me.
My tiny mate lay too still on the bed.
“In the name of the Azuris Clan, I claim you.” Why hadn’t I spoken the sacred words the moment I met her? I was too stubborn, too stupid.
I could only hope I wasn’t also too late.
Shaking off the fear clambering through me, I gently rolled her onto her side and tugged up her skirt, pressing one of the saturated strips against the underside of her wound. I eased her onto her back, maintaining pressure on her thigh while lying another strip against the front. It wasn’t much, but if I could slow the blood flow, I’d give her a chance of survival.
Mastivule rushed into the room, waving for staff orcs to place the medicine cart near the head of the bed.
“The healer will be here shortly.” After a long look at Rhoslyn, Mastivule grunted. “May the fates be with her.” He touched a fingertip to his lips and tapped his brow before he and the guards left the room.
The door banged open, and Madr strode into the room with an older orc following. I was grateful to see Arkest, the eldest and most revered healer, with my brother.
Arkest gave me a nod and rushed to the side of the bed. “Your mate?”
“Yes, can you help her?” My voice cracked with pain. “Please.”
“I will do my best.” His rheumy gaze shot to my right arm. “After I tend to her, I’ll suture that slice in your arm.”
A glance showed a long cut angling along the muscle that still bled, though not as profusely as Rhoslyn’s leg. I hadn’t noticed I was injured.
“It’s nothing.”