Page 57 of Orc's Craving
An older, grim-faced orc male with broad shoulders and a narrow waist strode over to stand beside Madr at the foot of the bed. He wore a tunic adorned with gold on the cuffs and around the helm, plus a golden signet across his brow.
“Well,” he said with a sneer, his heavy gaze jerking down my frame. “Is this your puny human mate, Jaus?”
“This is mylovelyhuman mate,” Jaus said sharply, straightening. He was taller than his father, though about the same height as Madr. The only resemblance between them could be found in the shape of their jawline and nose, plus the dark golden color of their eyes.
Madr’s eyes had the green cast I’d found common in orcs. Like his father, his hair was tinted with green. Perhaps he got his eye color from his mother.
“This is Madr’s father,” Jaus said in a hollow voice, his gaze not leaving the older male. “King Surled.”
Should I rise and bow—no, curtsy—to the king?
As if he understood my thought, Jaus gave me a negative jerk of his head.
Alright, I’d lie here. It wasn’t like I trusted using my leg yet anyway.
“Ourfather,” Madr grated out.
The king snorted.
So, he was the one who’d hurt Jaus—the one I wanted to smack. I sent him a glare that should impale him on the spot, but he didn’t even flinch.
Like my husband, I wouldn’t refer to him as anything but my new liege lord. Mine only because I would remain here in the kingdom with Jaus.
Madr shook his head. “You can acknowledge him, Father. Everyone knows.”
“I’ve done all I should,” King Surled said with a twist of his brow. “He’s commander of my military, is he not?”
“A position he earned with his sweat and leadership. A position that could see him killed,” Madr grumbled. “How will you ensure your line if something should happen to me? Acknowledge my brother. Then, any orclings he has with his new mate will be accepted as part of the family.”
“Half-orclings.” The twist of King Surled’s face told me he didn’t welcome my children any more eagerly than Jaus’s. “You’re not the commander of my military, Madr. You’ll remain safely behind the walls until you find a mate and plant numerous orclings in her body.”
“I’m not safeanywhereinside the kingdom. My brother proved that three days ago when he killed the dresalods who must’ve hidden inside an empty building, waiting for the right opportunity to attack.”
I still had a hard time believing I was unconscious for three days.
“And whose fault is that?” The king drilled Jaus with his heavy gaze.
“They breed too fast and are too eager to hunt us,” Madr said. “I’ve told you many times we need to find a way to eliminate them permanently, not wait around to fight off each attack.”
“Then speak with my advisors. See if you can help them dream up something.” King Surled’s attention fell on me again, and from his growing sneer, I got the idea I would not be remaining here to recover for long.
“It’s nice of you to stop to check on my welfare,” I said smoothly, holding back the mockery I longed to include in my voice.
The king pivoted on his heel and strode from the room without saying a word.
“He’s warming up to the idea,” Madr told Jaus.
Anger brewed in Jaus’s eyes. “He’s not.”
I wanted to hug him and tell him I adored him, but I sensed what he needed most would not come from me. But I also suspected he wasn’t waiting for his father to acknowledge him. That he’d refuse to become an official part of the royal family even if the king held out his arms. Jaus appeared to enjoy living a simple life, and so did I.
“We need to leave.” I flung back the blankets, noting I wore a lacy nightgown and bit back my somewhat giddy laugh. Jaus told Eleri I didn’t need any nighties, and at the time, my pulse shot through the roof. Then, I’d pictured us in his bed, completely naked. Entwined. Giving each other pleasure.
“You can’t leave,” Madr said. “You need to rest.” He huffed at Jaus, who returned to the side of the bed and scooped me up in his arms.