Page 60 of Orc's Craving
Jaus took the stairs to the first level. In no time, he laid me on our bed. “Sleep, little one. I’ll watch over you. I’ll keep everything dangerous away.”
I wanted to reach out to him, to hold him like he’d done me, but I couldn’t keep my eyelids open. Despite doing nothing other than ride in his arms, my leg throbbed. Drums pounded in my head, drowning out everything but their incessant rhythm.
Jaus gently covered me with a soft blanket. I swore he kissed my cheek. He murmured something soothing that made me want to slip away into sleep.
I swore he stood beside the bed, his mace clutched in his hand as if he’d challenge the world to protect me.
I must be wrong about the last because that would mean he . . .
Sleep rose up to claim me.
* * *
“Time for a bath, tiny mate,”Jaus said three days later, bustling into the bedroom and walking over to stand beside where I lay.
I’d slowly healed. I could remain awake most of the day now, and my leg barely hurt any longer. He still wouldn’t allow me to walk, stating the royal healer insisted I must rest for at least another week. I was heartily tired of resting.
“I’ll change the bedding while you soak in the water,” he said.
My skin tingled at the thought of how he’d bathed me before I was injured, of his hands roaming my body with a skill that made my heart sing and my soul weep.
Before I could say a thing, he scooped me up and carried me down one level to the washroom. The tub steamed, and fragrant herbs floated on the surface along with what looked like flower petals.
“Will you bathe with me?” I boldly asked. He obviously cared for me. He’d wanted me before I was injured. Surely that hadn’t changed.
His eyes slid away from mine. “I should take care of the bed.”
“Alright.” I kept my hurt inside and my voice light.
He sat me on the edge of the tub. “Can you remove your clothing yourself and sit in the water or do you need my help?’
I didn’t want to force this. If he’d changed his mind and he no longer wanted me, pushing him to do things he didn’t desire would only prolong my torture. Somewhere between flying on Feyla in his arms after the hunt and waking in the palace, I’d fallen in love with my mate. According to Jaus, it was to be expected, but that didn’t make my feelings any less real.
“I can do it,” I said in a small, hollow voice.
Frowning, he studied my face. “You’re still in pain.” He sighed. “I’ll help you.”
“No!” I lowered my voice. “No. I’m not in any pain at all.” To prove my point, I hopped off the side of the tub, landing squarely on my bare feet. Slowly, I tested adding more weight to my leg, finding it only vaguely twinged at the pressure. “See?” Peering up at him through my lashes, I studied his stoic face.
He still wouldn’t look at me, though his hand stretched toward me. He’d grab me if I started to fall.
Too bad I’d already fallen.
“You’re doing well,” he finally said.
“I’m all better.” To prove it, I lifted the tunic I wore over my head and tossed it aside. I wore nothing beneath.
His breath caught, but other than the tightening of his jaw, he continued to stare at the wall beyond me. Perhaps I was mistaken, and he was thinking of me? Thinking of someone and loving them could have very different meanings. Which was it? If I didn’t test this, I’d never find out. Better to make things clear than wallow in pain forever in feelings based on assumptions.
His hand remained stretched toward me. Did it tremble?
Turning carefully, I climbed the short flight of stairs and sat on the side of the tub, dropping my legs into the water. I gasped at the heat.
“You’re in pain.” He lifted me and gently lowered me into the water. I swore his fingers lingered on my thighs before he eased them away.
“I’m not hurting anywhere.” Other than in my heart. “The water’s warm. It feels wonderful.” I settled back in the seat and peered around. “Cloth and soap?”
“Sorry, I forgot.” He hurried over to the shelf near the sink and brought them back, placing them on the edge of the tub. Pivoting sharply, he grabbed my tunic and placed it in the sink. Then he bolted toward the stairs.