Page 7 of Orc's Craving
“You attacked me,” he said in the universal language.
“You . . .” I couldn’t drum up a solid accusation. So far, he’d done nothing other than slay a shayde to keep it from killing me.
And stalk me.
One side of his thick brow lifted sardonically. “If you wish to cause true harm, tiny one, you need to slash harder with your knife.”
I flailed at him with my blade, trying to gut him, but he grabbed my wrists and pinned them over my head, tightening until my knife slipped from my grasp. He picked it up and tossed it aside with ease.
“Enough, woman.” He smacked his palm on the ground beside my head. His lower body pressed against mine, and something much too large shifted beneath his loincloth.
Twisting, I shrieked, trying to shove him off, but I might as well try to roll a boulder uphill.
He grinned. “You also need to learn how to fight better, tiny one.”
“Let me go. Please.” I bucked up against him, cringing when my groin impacted with his.
He’d impale me. Split me in two with one thrust. Then leave me whimpering on the forest floor, seeded with his orcling.
“I’m afraid I can’t do that,” he said blandly.
“Why not?”
“Because I’ve been forced to claim you.”
I blinked slowly at him, unsure what to make of his statement. My fear of another shayde attack faded. If nothing else, this orc would protect me.
“I don’t wish for a mate,” he added.
“Then don’t chase one down and claim her.”
His dark gaze met mine, and I found unexpected humor there. “Yet, here I am, doing so.”
“You don’t need to claim me. I don’t want a mate either.” I wasn’t sure where I found my will to growl at him, but it must’ve festered inside me like my scorn for Eamon.
“Duly noted.” He levered himself up and off me, dragging me from the ground along with him.
Before I could try to break free, he hefted me over his shoulder. I landed with a soft whoof as the wind crushed from my lungs.
With his big hand cupping my ass and my bag in his hand, he took off, running deeper into the woods.
Ididn’t want a mate, but it appeared I had one. At least I’d kept her from being eaten by a shayde.
My Azuris pendant, gifted to me by my clan when I reached maturity fifteen years ago, glowed the moment I saw her. It still glowed, though the light had dimmed. It would blaze once again when I claimed her, then extinguish for the rest of my days.
I didn’t want her.
“I have a well-paying position in the kingdom,” I growled as I jogged along the trail that would take me to the open meadow where I’d left my vox, Feyla. I’d trained her from the moment she emerged from the seed. Tamed to my touch, she’d wait.
“I’m glad for you,” the impertinent female said.
I wasn’t mad at her, per se. I was angry with myself for coming here tonight. Irritated with my body’s response to her succulent scent. And with my pendant for shouting out to the clans that she was my fated one.
“I’m much too busy for a mate.” I rushed down a hill and through the thick stand of trulist trees beyond. “I’m the commander of the forces. I need to spend my days reviewing mission plans. Preparing orders and briefing subordinates. Training in battle.” Doing all I could to prove I was worthy.