Page 77 of Orc's Craving
“Hey, you two.” Humor flooded Madr’s voice. “Maybe save that for later?”
I lifted my head and studied her face. “You’re not hurt? They didn’t touch you or harm you, did they? I’ll kill them regardless, but I need to know you’re safe before I go rip that place apart.”
“They actually treated me well. Other than when they hauled me away from the wall and through the city. They didn’t lock me in a cell. In fact, when the palace guards arrived, they were offering me tea. But I don’t care about that. I saw you fall, Jaus. You were hurt!” Her hands roamed my arms and torso, seeking wounds. “Where are you hurt, my love? I’ll heal you.”
“I’m uninjured. Only my pride was bruised when I slipped off Feyla. She appeared as shocked as me. I haven’t fallen off her since the first time she allowed me to ride.”
“You’re sure you don’t have any wounds?” Her eyes sparkled with tears.
I’d kill to reassure her. “I’m well. Grateful to hold you in my arms once more.”
Her breath whooshed out. “I’m so happy.” She burst into tears and sagged against me, sobbing into my chest.
I patted her back and carried her into the parlor, ignoring my father’s huff. Sinking into a chair, I held her, murmuring soft words I hoped would comfort her. “I’m well, mate. Truly.”
She looked up at me with tears streaking down her face. “Truly?”
“I’m grateful to hear the guards didn’t harm you, sister,” Madr said, sinking into a nearby chair. “Why were you at the top of the wall during a battle?”
“Oh!” Rhoslyn’s gaze shot to my brother. “I must tell the king I’ve discovered a way to fight off the dresalods.”
My father snorted and strode over to stand nearby. “You’vediscovered a way to defeat the dresalods? You’re a puny human. Only worthy of bearing orclings to perpetuate our species.”
“Father,” Madr snarled, rushing to his feet. “Don’t speak to her like that again.”
Color flooded the king’s face. “You, my son, do not tellmehow to behave.”
I eased my mate into the chair and stormed to my feet. With a snarl, I barreled into the king, taking us both to the floor. Landing hard on top of him, I drove the air from his lungs. I reeled back my fist, ready to drive it through his face, but Madr grabbed it, holding me back.
“He’s not worth it,” he hissed. “Stop, brother, before you do something we’ll all regret.”
Growling, I lifted myself off the king and went to my tiny mate, dropping to my knees in front of her and taking both of her hands in mine. “I love you, and I’m going to take you home.”
“I want that more than anything, but I need to explain even if your . . . I won’t even name him that. He doesn’t deserve it.” She shook her head, and her gaze sought Madr. “I’ll share what I learned with you. You’ll find a way to use this to our advantage.” Her sneer fell on the king rising to his feet and straightening his clothing.
When he looked my way, he said nothing, and I swore fear flitted through his eyes. Good. He needed to learn how to hold his tongue and respect my strength even if he couldn’t respect me as a person.
“While you were valiantly fighting off the dresalods.” Rhoslyn’s glare my father’s way deepened. “I remembered what happened on the street when you fought off the ones who attacked us.”
I tightened my fingers around hers. “I wasn’t fast enough, and you paid the price.”
“Up.” She urged me to my feet. “I love having you kneeling in front of me, though we’re wearing too much clothing—”
Madr coughed, and my love and my brother shared a grin.
I gathered her close and sat again with her nestled on my lap.
She leaned back against my chest, and only then did my anger with the king begin to fade. “I don’t know if you recalled what I did before you killed the third dresalod. When it stabbed me, I acted on instinct. I had no weapon—”
“Here’s one.” Madr scooped a long blade off a mount on the wall and handed it to her.
“That was my father’s,” the king protested.
“And now it belongs to Rhoslyn.” Death came through in Madr’s voice, telling me the king had gone too far today for even my usually placid brother.
“Amazing.” Rhoslyn studied the blade before looking up at me. “I’ll need a sheath.”