Page 121 of Runaway Omega
Kylian edges around me on the narrow staircase and tugs to get me moving again. “The interior designer thought we were nuts when we said this is what we wanted.”
I take in the screen that occupies an entire wall. The small black table at the back of the room with a projector pointed at it. And not the least of which, the absolutemountainof navy cushions and beanbags spread over almost every inch of the floor.
Lawrence had a home theater with hard leather seats.
Thisis something else.
I want to strip, dive right in, and find out how soft those cushions are on my skin.Thisis feeding the omega part of me that was starved for so long.
“Just ’cause we’re alphas, there’s no reason we can’t enjoy a bit of cozy,” Rune says on his way to the projector. “Pick a spot, cher.”
I stare up at him, amazed this Cajun alpha who works out every day and is so…big, could possess such a soft and squishy inner core. And I smile.
“What?” Kylian asks, pulling my focus from Rune.
I shake my head. “Nothing. Just trying to imagine you all snuggled down here watching a movie.”
And the thought is… nice. They take time out of their day to just relax. It makes me want to have some of that too.Bea part of that too.
Rune is busy setting up the projector with a practiced hand. “It’s important. Otherwise, life is work and no life should always be about work. Forget the living part, and what’s the point?”
“What’s the point?” I echo.
What he’s saying makes all the sense in the world. So then why is it the first time I’m hearing someone voice a thought like that out loud?
As Rune fusses with the projector, the sweet and salty question finally makes sense. “Do you have popcorn and candy?”
“Yep. Candy and all the snacks.” Cian walks in, cradling an armload of candy, and I mean an armload. I count at least twenty bags, including one bag of watermelon Sour Patch that’s precariously close to falling. “Nancy is coming with the popcorn. Hali too.”
“What did you watch last time?” I ask because I really can’t picture this, even though I’m about to.
“Die Hard,” Rune says. “It’s an oldie, but it’s a goodie.”
A smile kicks up one side of my mouth. It keeps on growing because I think Icanpicture it.
“Do you want to watch something else?” Rune lifts his head, takes in the grin stretching my face, and his expression softens. “What?”
“I want to watchDie Hard,” I say. And then I plop down on a big and surprisingly marshmallow-like cushion right in the middle.
Kylian takes the cushion on my left. Cian drops the mountain of snacks on my right, hefts a packet of candy in his right hand, and yells, “Catch!”
I’ve never caught a thing in my life, so I do the first thing that comes to mind. I duck andjustmiss getting smacked in the face with a bag of watermelon Sour Patch Kids.
Kylian isn’t so lucky.
I dissolve into giggles, clapping a hand over my mouth to silence it. I fail.Miserably.
A couple minutes later, I wipe the tears from my eyes and discover I have three alphas watching me with soft smiles on their faces. “What is it?”
Kylian’s expression turns wry as he stops rubbing his jaw, which must’ve borne the brunt of the bag. “Never thought being hit in the face with a bag of candy would come with such a beautiful laugh.”
Blushing at his compliment, I turn to look at the screen as the movie starts. “You’re not behaving much like a playboy alpha.”
Kylian grips my chin and gently angles my face toward him. “Who I am outthere”—he nods up the stairs—“is not who I am inhere.”
“And who are you in here?” I ask, assuming he means at home. Because he’s right. I’d only ever heard he was a flirt, occasionally fell asleep during business meetings, and had one-night stands with stunning betas.