Page 171 of Runaway Omega
I need to find out. Soon.
Hali is pulling the door closed when the rest of her words hit me.
“Wait? Sticking needleswhere?”
“She made a doll of Lawrence. I like her. I hope she comes and stays, too.” Hali grins before she closes the door, leaving me to eat my rapidly cooling breakfast.
I have so many questions about the attorney visit early this morning, and even more about Della’s strange methods of revenge. I guess after her threat to kill Lawrence with a horse, I shouldn’t be surprised.
“At least it’s better than her trying to run him down with a horse,” I mutter to myself, smiling at the mental image as I dig into my breakfast.
I’ve half cleared my plate before I realize I didn’t think about chewing ten times.
When Idorealize it, I pause to absorb this new change in my life—hopefully a permanent one. I take a sip of my apple juice and keep eating, determined to finish every last bite of this delicious breakfast.
Ispend thirty minutes in the shower, working out what I’m going to say.
I’m scared. Scratch that, I’m terrified. When I ask myself why the thought of telling Rune, Cian, and Kylian that I want to stay with them is so scary, I can’t pinpoint why.
It’s only after I’ve dressed in a pair of jeans and a linen blouse, and I’m walking down the stairs that I realize the reason.
I ran from an alpha, determined to avoid all others for as long as I lived. And now here I am, getting ready to tell three alphas that I want to stay with them.
If they’ll have me.
At the foot of the staircase, I pause, suck in a deep breath, and then slowly release it.
Feeling steadier than I was a second ago, I continue toward the closed office door, hesitate for a beat, and then knock sharply on the white wood.
“No need to knock, cher!” Rune calls out. “Come on in.”
That’s a good sign, right? That I’m welcome in the office and he sounds happy to see me?
I assure myself it is.
Until I push the door open.
Rune, Kylian, and Cian are sitting at a big round table in the center of the room. They have their laptops open in front of them, empty coffee cups, papers strewn all over, and they look exhausted.
Did they go straight from helping me through my heat to all the work I made them miss?
It looks like they did.
The guilt I’d shaken from before breakfast returns.
I’m getting ready to apologize when I realize none of them are saying a word. They’re just staring at me. “What is it? Is something wrong?”
Kylian shakes his head. “Nothing is wrong.”
But that doesn’t explain why they’re studying me with their faces so devoid of expression.
Kylian pushes himself to his feet.