Page 190 of Runaway Omega
“Anyway, it’s too soon to arrange another auction. I might be able to gather a few of the members. Gerald might be interested, maybe Hugh, and a couple of others, but most have already committed to the next auction. If you wanted an omega for a couple of nights, I can get you in with one of the clinics.”
Cian cocks his head, as if merely curious and not disgusted. “Freeclinics?”
Lawrence laughs. “Free for us and free for the omegas. If you’re not fussy, you might find one worth your time for a night or two.”
“If you wouldn’t mind,” Rune says. “We can hit it up tonight.”
We won’t, but I’m sure a member of Pack Lucas will be stopping by with a camera pointed right at the back door.
After making small talk for the next couple of minutes, we leave Lawrence drinking whiskey, probably imagining himself as the Chair of the Asylum. Maybe even imagining not having to ask his father for money. Who the fuck knows?
No sooner we’re back in the car than Cian is powering up his laptop. He pulls his cell phone from his pocket and gets to work copying and cutting the recording he just made into nice, juicy soundbites.
Rune drops me off downtown, stopping at a storage facility long enough for me to pick up a thick, brown envelope and for Cian to press a copy of the recording into my hand.
I find my contact sitting in a dark corner, an untouched glass of beer on the deeply scarred, scratched table in front of him. No one would think much of the middle-aged man with the scruffy brown beard, bloodshot eyes and wrinkled shirt.
Beneath that rough and worn exterior lies one of the most ferocious minds in the city. We’ve been emailing back and forth since I started thinking of how I’d like to bring down Lawrence. All of those messages have been leading up to this meeting.
He likes information, and he’s never been fond of the alpha families. But he also likes to do his own homework, so I give him the address Lawrence scrawled down a few minutes before.
“As discussed, you’ll find I have proof to back up everything I’ve told you so far.” I slide the thick, brown envelope and the recording over the table and prepare to leave.
“If you’re right about this, some of the most powerful families might have a real vendetta against you. How do you think you’ll sleep?” My contact eyes me curiously, showing no interest in the envelope yet.
After what they did to Everleigh?
“I’ll never sleep so well as I will tonight. Give me a heads-up before you run this thing. There’s someone I need to warn first.”
Then I get up and go home to get some rest, ready to act when the shit hits the fan.
“Mom?” I knock softly on the white door.
I press my ear harder against the wood, knuckles poised to knock again.
I hesitate.
After everything she’s been through, should I leave her to come down for breakfast when she wants?
But it’s nearly ten and I haven’t heard a peep out of her.
Maybe she doesn’t want to speak to me.
Last night, after Cian, Kylian, and Rune had left Mom and me, those first few hours were strange, unreal, and… awkward.
And sad.
I hadn’t expected things would be awkward.
I was never awkward with Della. Mostly because Della never shut up long enough to let any situation be awkward.
But Anna Jackson? Now that I’ve worked through some of my feelings, I recognize the distance between us, which makes sense. I was never hers in the same way Della was. She must know that her agreement with Byron Wentworth has cost her Della. Forever. Because if anyone knows how to hold a grudge, it’s my little sister.