Page 48 of Runaway Omega
Are you going to come over my cock?
Kylian’s words from the garden don’t seem to want to leave me alone. And they are… distracting. Very distracting. Neither does the image of a woman with long white-blonde hair slowly riding a man in the middle of a massive bed. Me. I’m doing the riding as Kylian croons his praise.
Give it to me nice and slow. Good girl.
I realize then I haven’t spoken a word, and Kylian is still watching as he waits for a response. My cheeks are flushed and I’m burning several degrees hotter than I should be.
Please don’t let this be a sign my heat is on its way.
“Thank you,” I say primly to hide the thoughts about him I shouldnotbe having.
His heated eyes search mine, steel-gray melting into liquid silver. A smile tugs on one corner of his lips.
“So prim and proper,” he says in a soft tone that makes me want to beg to know what he’s thinking. “I have a request.”
I turn from the empty dining room to fully face him. “And that is?”
“Good boy,” he says, eyes on me, his small smile capturing my full attention. “Say it.”
The breath sticks in my throat as we gaze across the entryway at each other. “Why would I say that?”
His gaze lingers on my lips. “Not sure. Just have a feeling that hearing you say it in that prim way of yours might have a certain effect on me.”
Don’t ask, Everleigh, you know exactly where this conversation is going.
“What effect?” pours from my lips.
“Say it,” he says, “and you might just find out.”
It’s a battle to keep my eyes trained on his face because I have a feeling I know exactly where I would see that effect.
I’ve lost the fight with myself when the door beside Kylian swings open. He moves away before it can smack him, so he misses me darting a rapid glance at the front of his pants.
He was lying.
I didn’t have to say it to find out what effect those words would have.
Cheeks hot, I rip my eyes away and meet Cian’s khaki-green gaze. Kylian might have missed me noticing the bulge at the front of his pants. The faint smile that ghosts across Cian’s lips says he didn’t.
“Pretty,” he breathes.
I’m used to elegant. Graceful. Lawrence’s perfect omega.
There’s something about a guy calling you pretty with a soft warmth in his eyes and a crooked smile that makes a girl want to melt right into the floor.
I shrug. “It was Hali.”
He slowly shakes his head. “She picked out the dress. You’re wearing it. Are you ready for dinner?”
I glance at the dining room. “There isn’t anything in there. Was I supposed to go somewhere else?”
Cian steps aside, revealing a white marble and stainless-steel kitchen behind him. “In here.”
“We’re eating dinner in there?” I peer around him to see this mystery dinner I can’t smell.
“Cooking it first,” Cian explains.
“Rune thought it would be fun.” Kylian rolls his eyes.