Page 11 of Reckless Mayhem
He sure knew how to snag attention.
“Will ensuring the De Marco bloodline and Salvador Russo suffer for their crimes tempt you to join Maddog?”
“You can promise I will have my revenge,” I began, and he nodded. “That they’ll pay for what happened to my father and me.” Another nod. “And Bianca will be unharmed?”
“I accept.”
A giggle escaped his mouth, and I flinched. It was freaky as fuck.
Lucifer snapped his wrist, and a parchment appeared, rolling downward from his fingertips and hitting the ground before finally ending at the tip of my boots. Golden particles floated above the bloodred ink. My eyes scanned the words, intrigued by the promises he made—secrets I would carry with me that no other man would learn.
“You will become a shadow warrior. The vindicator. Justice for those who can’t obtain it themselves.”
I loved the idea but couldn’t fathom why the devil would care.
“Why would you fight for broken souls?”
“They’re too close to the light ever to become mine. I prefer the rancor of the wicked and demented.”
Damn. That was fucked.
“Truly,” he agreed. “Now sign.”
A slice appeared across my finger, and I lifted my hand, signing my name on the bottom of the parchment. In my blood. How fucking macabre. The document flashed with golden light and then disappeared, leaving only bits of golden dust behind.
Lucifer slammed his palm into my forehead. “Ride with the shadows and seek your vengeance. The fury of hell accompanies you.”
I thought I would fall backward like before, but my feet remained planted on the ground.
Every muscle in my body began to quake, trembling as I felt a source from within join my spirit inside my body. A whisper of fury and resolve. And strength. It surged in my veins. Bolstered by the newfound energy, I cracked my neck, noting that I seemed to stand an inch taller. My shoulders felt wider, and my hands larger.
Holy. Fuck.
My gaze dropped, noticing the enhanced bulge below my belt.
“A gift,” Lucifer snickered. “Tell Rael I won’t budge. He’s not getting a bigger dick.”
For the first time since meeting Lucifer, I laughed. Not just a tiny rumble. No. I roared with humor, excited by the enhancements. “I will.”
The walls of my family home vanished. Below, still coated in ash, the remains of my enemies served as a reminder.
My enemies would fall at my feet. Their bodies would gather in a grisly pile until I sent their souls to be consumed in hell—an endless torment.
Lucifer smiled as the flames reappeared on his body, wreathing him in flickering light as he spun on his heel and walked away, fading into the distance as he became a walking sun that blended into the horizon.
Blinking, I sat on my Harley, staring at Maddog.
He grinned at the look on my face. “Welcome to the Royal Bastards, Manic.”
“We’re gonna raise hell, pres.”
Rael slapped me on the back, and I turned to face him. “Lucifer had a message for you.”
He raised a wary brow. “Oh?”
I pointed to my crotch. “He gave me a bigger dick, but he said you were fucked. Had to keep your tiny one.”