Page 56 of Reckless Mayhem
In the witching hour of night, I was reborn.
ISTOOD OUTSIDE THEwine cellar and watched as flames licked up the walls and slowly devoured the two men responsible for hurting Benny. They murdered his father. They shattered his soul and scarred his body.
Orange light glowed behind Benny’s silhouette. The flicker of the flames made him appear to be walking through them. My demon of the night. The phantom. Tall, powerful, imposing, and backlit by the hellfire that molded him into the shadow warrior he had become.
His gaze fell on me the second he noticed I was there. The agony that usually lingered in his silver gaze, the hard flint that never left, now seemed to fade. Peace descended over him now that his brutalizers no longer lived.
My grandfather ran from the cellar with my uncles. I never saw them afraid as I did now, fleeing from the bikers who laughed at their departure.
Benny scooped me into his arms and strode toward the passageway that led to the phantom’s lair.
“Won’t the house burn down? And the lower levels?”
“Not all of it. Rael, Bodie, and Jigsaw will make sure only the levels above ground are destroyed. Everything below will remain intact.”
“That’s good.”
“Yes,” he agreed, smirking as we reached the tunnel that led to the bridge and our waterfall.
“We’ll rebuild,cara mia. It’ll be grander than ever before.”
“And the vineyard is untouched. Same with the winery,” I added. The fire didn’t reach them.
“Yeah. You can do whatever you want with it.”
“This house carried secrets for far too long. It needed to be gutted and torn down. We’ll build a home through the ashes where love and truth are the foundation.”
His gaze softened as our eyes met. “Yes.”
It was quiet for a minute as I thought about the bikers from Tonopah and what they did.
“I saw them,” I confessed. “I saw all of it.”
He frowned. “You were told to stay with Craven.”
“I did,” I replied, “until I couldn’t stand it any longer. He was quite stern with me.”
Benny laughed. “He should be.”
“I’ll make it up to him.”
“I know you will,tesoro.”
“They were scary, but I knew they wouldn’t harm me.”
“Never,” he promised.
It wasn’t long before we reached the phantom’s private apartment and the bedroom with black silk sheets.
Benny gently placed me on the bed. His expression seemed pained.
“What is it?”
He didn’t answer. “I don’t know how to say it.”
That worried me. “Benny?”
His hand rested over my stomach. “I need you safe and healthy.”