Page 8 of Arrested Hearts
I glared at Chris from across the room, but he didn’t notice. He was probably too distracted by his afterglow. I knew what he’d just done; I could tell by the subtle flush on Lyle’s cheeks, and the way the two of them were being extra cuddly. The bastards.
Truth be told, I wasn’t mad about the situation; I was thrilled for them, the same as I was with all of our other friends. I never imagined that we’d all be married off and in love; especially me. I spent years denying my sexuality and needs, but I was lucky enough to have found a man who gave me everything I needed.
Well…except for the past week, which is why Chris was receiving my glare. He was over there getting his rocks off while I was caged up like a zoo animal. Besides the time Jo spent in the hospital after he was injured in the line of duty, this was the longest stretch since we got together that I’d gone without his touch.
But even as cranky and whiny as I was, I actually loved it. Jo was in control of my pleasure and my body, and the cage was a reminder of that. If it got to be too much, all I had to do was use my safe word and he would release me. He always took care of me.
But I loved the denial, and the promise of what was to come. Jo would take off the device once we got home, and I could only imagine the sexy times that awaited us. What he said in the kitchen was true; he probably wouldn’t even have to touch me to make me blow. Hell, I nearly blewinthe kitchen just from his words.
The only thing that stopped me was that I didn’t want Watson to have the satisfaction of seeing it. Not that he’d enjoy it; he only had eyes for Lyle. But hewouldgive me shit about it until the day I died. So, I bit my tongue and chugged a beer to distract myself.
But now all I could focus on was the feel of my Officer’s body as he held me on his lap. Even though I was much larger than he was, Jonah held me with effortless strength. He was driving me crazy by slowly stroking his hand up and down my thigh, and I was sure he was well aware of it.
I was wound so tightly that I nearly jumped out of my skin when a knock sounded at the door. Jonah chuckled quietly and squeezed my leg. Oh yes, he knew what he was doing.
Ty hurried off to meet the guests. Just a moment later, Chief, Sam and Jordan’s dog, bounded into the room with us. Ty requested that we all bring our dogs over to visit for the holiday. They were all Axel’s offspring, so Ty said he wanted the pooch family to spend time together as well. I doubted there was a man alive with a more pure soul, unless it was my Jo.
Ty giggled as he ran into the room, chasing the dog. The Huskipoos were all getting bigger in size, but still zoomed around and played like puppies. “Come on, Chief; I’ll put you outside with your daddy and siblings.” Chief whimpered and Ty’s shoulders slumped. “I’m sorry; I know you want to see everyone. But you can run around with all the other pups for now, and then I promise I’ll give you a special prize later, okay?”
I swear the dog understood him. He followed Ty willingly, and the man let the pooch out the back door, into the fenced-in yard with the rest of the dogs. Ty sighed happily and returned to the room just as Sam and Jordan entered as well.
We all gave words of welcome before Jordan offered, “I’m sorry we’re a little late; I was practicing my opening statement for trial tomorrow and lost track of time.”
“It’s okay,” Ty insisted before giving each of the men a hug. “I’m just so happy you’re here.”
“How is the trial prep coming?” Gage asked, motioning for the couple to sit down.
Space was running out on the furniture, so Sam took a seat on the floor as he answered, “He’s going to knock it out of the park. His statement is powerful and emotional. It’s going to grab the jury’s attention. I can’t wait to see this guy’s ass get nailed to the wall.”
Jordan gave his husband a grateful smile before adding, “I think there’s a real shot.”
“Of course there is, honey. Giving you the case is the smartest thing the DA ever did.” You could feel Sam’s pride rolling off and filling the room. We wereallproud of Jordan; he was one hell of a lawyer and good guy.
“You got this,” Becky told Jordan with a wink. She was the only one of us who wasn’t married (or even in a relationship), but after a messy divorce, she was happy living a single life. Even Ty’s friend Monica had tied the knot with her man in a simple ceremony. They were visiting his parents and couldn’t make it to dinner, but I was sure we’d see them soon.
“Thanks, guys. I’ll do everything I can.” Jordan smiled around the room at all of us, and we gave him thumbs up and words of encouragement.
“Everything is ready if we all want to go into the kitchen to eat,” Ty announced, and we all rose to our feet, with Sam getting some assistance from his husband to get off the floor.
We all made our way into the kitchen and to the large dining table in its center. After we had shared a few meals together in the living room, Ty had mentioned to Gage that he wished they had a table big enough to seat everyone, so of course his doting husband ran out to buy one the very next day.
Jo pulled out my chair for me, and the couples all settled in next to each other. Everyone took a seat except for Gage, who grabbed a long knife to carve the gigantic turkey, and Ty, who cleared his throat and straightened his bright red bow tie, which rested over a hunter green dress shirt. No matter the occasion, Ty was always dressed to the nines.
“If you don’t mind, I’d like to say a few words before we eat.” We all quieted down and gave the sweet host our attention. “I just wanted to say that it means so much to have you all here. You know I lost my parents when I was young, and back then, I thought it would be impossible to ever experience another Christmas dinner surrounded by family. But then I found all of you.”
Gage placed the knife on the table and wrapped a supportive arm around his husband as Ty continued, “You all aren’t my friends, you’re my brothers - and sister,” he added with a smile at Becky, who beamed back at him. “You've given me warm memories and countless laughs. I know I can always lean on you, and I'll be here for you, too. I’m so blessed to have you in my life. Not only on the holidays, but every day. I love you all.” He lifted his drink and finished with, “To family.”
“To family,” we all repeated, lifting our drinks and clinking with whomever we could reach. Sam kissed Jordan’s temple as his husband dried his watery eyes, Chris and Lyle stood up to give Ty a hug, and Jonah gripped my thigh under the table.
His early years had been hard as well; he lost his mother and his father was an abusive piece of shit. He’d found friendship and family in everyone around the table. We all had. These bonds made life worth living.
“Now, let’s eat!” Ty insisted, and Gage (after a deep kiss) got to work carving the turkey. Soon, dishes were being passed around and plates were being filled. Every side looked better than the last; Ty truly outdid himself.
Not only did the food look amazing, it tasted incredible as well. We all ate way more than we should have, and Chris even unashamedly unbuttoned his jeans at the table for extra room when it was time for dessert.
Ty was a very talented baker and decorator, and he went all out on the cake he made for us; it was three square tiers of red velvet cake with homemade cream cheese frosting. He covered the whole thing with marshmallow fondant and decorated it to look like a wrapped Christmas gift. It could have fooled me; it looked like it could be sitting under the tree.