Page 7 of Little Broken Pieces
I begin to turn, slowly taking a moment, so my head doesn’t pop off my shoulders.
“Cora, tell me you didn’t bring me here as a blind date setup. Tell me you know me well enough to know I would hate that. Tell me you didn’t, Cora. Wait, better yet, don’t tell me because I’m going to lose my shit.”
She shushes me because the acoustics in this restroom make it sound like I’m in an amphitheater as it is.
“Alex, before you pop off, listen.”
“No, Cora!” I interrupt. “And don’t shush me. This could have been avoided by telling me this was a setup.”
“It wasn’t a setup,” she whisper-yells.
Cora isn’t one to cause a scene and she is constantly defusing the bomb that is me.
“Please fucking explain to me how bringing me here, thinking I would like meeting Edward’s stupid asshole friend Kohen, wasn’t a setup?”
“Well, when you say it like that…”
“Yes, Cora, because that’s what it is. And to top it off, the asshole isn’t even here. He isn’t here, Cora, at his own party!”
“Stop yelling!”
“No! Stop trying to defuse me. I have a right to feel everything I’m feeling.”
“Don’t be a bitch, Alex.”
“You know it’s easy for me to be a bitch when my friend is a goodie two shoes.”
“That is not fair!”
“Life isn’t fair.”
Cora’s eyes narrow “Oh, I know. I know as well as you do so can we drop this? I’m sorry. I’m not trying to defuse you, I promise I just don’t want to fight. You’re right, but I did it out of love. I just wanted us to have a great start to this year and Kohen is a good guy. I’m sure he has an excellent reason for not being here.”
“I’m sure he does, Cora. I’m sure he is saving babies in third-world countries. I guess it bothers me because he is responsible for all the people here. Me and you know better than anyone that anything can happen. If something does, he isn't here!"
She stays quiet. I know she finally pieced it together.
"Cecille," she says in a whisper with sadness in her eyes.
We stare at each other. Without words, we both decide to let it go. I count to ten in my head and realign my thoughts.
“Okay, I don’t want to fight either. It isn’t worth it. He isn’t here anyway. I’m overreacting. I’m sorry. Just don’t try and set me up anymore, please.”
“Deal,” she says.
I wonder if anyone heard us outside. Not that I care, I just don't want to embarrass my best friend any more than I already have. I know how she gets. We can't have one of her pretty and perfect blonde hairs out of place.
“Okay, enough bullshit. I’ll give Edward a real chance. Let's go out there, forget this even happened, and have a badass night!”
Her smile is huge. It's all the confirmation I need to know that all is well.
“Also, have you looked around this restroom?” She takes a look around and giggles. There are bowls of ChapSticks, condoms, wet wipes, and gum. There are at least a dozen different perfumes, colognes, and lotions for people to use at their discretion.
I smirk sarcastically. “Ridiculous, right?”
“Absolutely ridiculous.” She rolls her eyes, feigning annoyance.
We look at each other and laugh.