Page 1 of Claiming What's His
Age 12
I’mcold,theclosetis dark, and I’m scared; I’m hungry, too.
I’m so tired but I don’t want to fall asleep. I need to stay awake. I have to. I hear his boots coming up the stairs and my heart races. I push back into the corner, wishing I had clothes on to hide me. Bringing my knees to my chest, I wrap my arms around them.
Maybe he is too drunk to remember he left me in here.
My hope is gone as the door flies open, his camera around his neck. I wish they put Britt and me in the same closet but she’s downstairs. I know because I hear her yelling. She knows he likes to come here first. She tricked him on Christmas, so he started with her. She’s always saving me. I can’t wait until we grow up.
He yanks me by the arm, and I scream before everything goes black.
Age 13
We watch the staff taking the Christmas décor down. New Year’s is in two days, and we always have a huge party. The thing is…I’m sick of these parties. I want to go with my dad to his special party. My brother Derek went once. He snuck into Dad’s car after we were sent to bed. He said naked girls hung from the ceiling and that it was like the circus but better. I can’t wait to see it.
We have a party here with all our families and friends and then around ten, our dad leaves. He’s an elder to the Sons of Knight so he has obligations. My brother and I will be Knights someday. I can’t freaking wait to grow up.
Chapter 1
Current Day
Age 19
Ilooksofuckinggood in this slinky silver dress. I glance over my shoulder at my best friend and she smiles, nodding in agreement, as she puts on her fire hydrant red lipstick. I turn back to the mirror, in awe of my body.
I have worked so fucking hard this summer to make it onto the dance team at TSU. I’ve always been a thicker girl, from my head to my toes. I love my body, but staring at the mirror, seeing how every curve is accentuated and defined, I feel proud of myself. I twist and turn in the mirror, watching how the dress clings to every dip and mound. My long brunette hair cascades down my back, the tips touching my waist in loose curls.
I pick up the hot pink lipstick Britt got me for Christmas from my vanity and apply it to my lips. I smack them together and rub, but quickly realize that it’s still missing something. Pondering, I stare at my reflection while perfecting my hair and outfit. “It needs gloss.”
I look over at Britt, waiting for her opinion.
“Yeah,” she agrees, popping a piece of gum in her mouth. “You definitely need gloss, especially because your dress is so shimmery.”
“Okay, gloss then,” I agree and start looking through all of the ones I have in my makeup drawers.
When I’m done with all my primping, I grab my heels and sit on the bed bench to put them on. “Don’t forget to lotion up those puppies,” Britt reminds me.
“You bitch! They aren’t bad,” I reply.
“Says you,” she laughs, and I roll my eyes.
“It’s New Year’s, bitch, and we need to look perfect.”
I slather the lotion on and then carefully put my foot into the silver stilettos I chose. I fix the thin strap over my toes and begin to place the strings that wrap around my legs strategically. Holding my leg up, I admire the way they look before I continue with the other foot.
Britt’s Ariana Grande perfume fills the air. “Which one is that?” I question.
“God is a Woman,duh.“ She places it on the counter in the restroom as she admires herself.
Unlike me, my best friend is tall as fuck. Well, to me anyway. She is at least 5‘7 to my 5′1, hence the sky-high heels I’m always wearing. She’s slim but curvy with long toned legs and has long red hair, and she is the most beautiful girl I have ever known. She is mean to everyone and definitely not a people person, while I’m very outgoing and too accepting, which means she’s always protective of me.