Page 66 of Bad Boy Billionaire Protector
Andrew rushed over, “What did he inject her with? What’s it supposed to do to her.”
“He said it’s a poison and that it works fast.” I muttered to him under my breath, hoping Amber didn’t hear me.
“I…can’t…breathe!” Amber stuttered. Her eyes were barely focused on mine.
“We’re getting you help, baby. Hold on for me. You can’t leave me. I won’t let you go,” Tears were streaming down my face.
She gasped for air several times, clutching at her neck.No, no, no!I couldn’t lose her, not like this!
“Get the fucking Medic!” I screamed.
Her face was so pale and her lips were turning blue. She struggled to breathe, rasping loudly, clinging on to me for dear life, her fingernails digging into my arm.
Her eyes closed.
Then, she went quiet. Her body went limp.
“Nooooo! Somebody help me!”
I held on to her and stared in shock at her lifeless body.
Andrew grabbed my shoulder, “The medics are here. Let’s let them do their job.”
The EMS crew arrived with a stretcher and were hauling some equipment with them. One of them ordered, “Lay her down. Is she breathing?”
“Come on, Mason. You have to let her go. Let them check her out.”
“I’m not letting her go!”
“You have to. She needs to be resuscitated. She’s not breathing.”
His voice was urgent but calm. He helped me to put Amber on the stretcher and then pulled me away so that the medics could do their work. They set about giving her CPR and brought out the defibrillator to shock her heart.
I paced behind them, watching as they tried their hardest to revive her. By now, they had inserted a breathing tube in her mouth, into her throat. They continued with their chest compressions. The poison had worked its way through her system and her heart had stopped beating. I was losing my mind as they continued to try to revive her.
“Please, you have to do something. You can’t let her die like this!”
“We need to evac her via chopper to the nearest hospital now!” The chief medic said, his voice strained.
“I’m coming with you.”
“Sorry sir, that’s against protocol.”
“Fuck protocol. I’m coming with you!”
Andrew pulled me back from them. “I’ll take you to the hospital. Come on. Let’s go.”
I watched them as they rolled the stretcher towards the chopper that had arrived. Andrew grabbed me by the arm and led me down to his car and we followed the chopper to the nearest hospital. We ran inside and were immediately stopped by a nurse.
“FBI. We’re here for Amber Valentine, she was flown here by chopper,” Andrew flashed his badge.
“Ah, yes. They’re working on her in the ER. You can wait in the waiting room down to the left and beyond those double doors.”
We ran down to the double doors and arrived at the waiting area. Pacing around, I began to think of how to get ahold of Amber’s parents. What if she died? I mean, she essentially died when her heart went into cardiac arrest and I didn’t know if they were successful in bringing her back. What if she didn’t make it through? I couldn’t bear to think about that. I needed her to survive this. I needed her. I loved her. I couldn’t live without her.
Andrew went to the vending machine and brought back two coffees. I couldn’t drink mine. I felt sick.
A doctor came out of the emergency room. I went up to her.