Page 15 of Concealed Deception
“Bloody hell, what’s Tony up to?”Alexander mutters under his breath, but I heard.
I tense at his name and Vince notices.
“Boss?”Vince asks with caution.
“Take her up.Make sure she’s secure.I need to have a chat with myfriend.”
“Yes, boss.”With a nod and more added pressure on my forearm than before, I’m pushed into the elevator, ready to meet my doom.
As it comes to a stop, the door opens to a tiled foyer, which invites you into an ostentatious living space, and my jaw drops.It’s beyond beautiful.The light-cream furniture compliments the light wood furnishings and white walls.Not to forget the exceptional sectional couch overlooking the city.The view is mesmerizing.
The longer I stare, the more I become entranced by this stunning suite.I walk over to the windows, which have a dark tint to them, when one of the panels slides open.I gasp, placing a hand on my chest.
Minding the train of my dress, I cross over the threshold from inside to the outside balcony, but a simple balcony it is not.This one is close to the size of the living area itself, yet everything is darker in contrast to the inside.
A flicker of light catches my eye from the side and I spot an infinity pool.Walking toward it with my dress now clenched in my hands, I dip my bare foot into the warm water and swish it from side to side in a rhythmic motion.
I can’t believe I’m being held captive in what could be a fairy tale to anyone else.
My skin tingles and it’s not from the water touching my toes, no, I sense him before I see him.Stepping away from the pool, I see Alexander standing in the doorway watching me intently.He wears the same emotionless expression from the moment we met, and I bet a war is wagering in his head.But as I open my mouth to speak, he turns and leaves.In his place is Vince, who walks over to me with his broad shoulders rolled back and chest puffed out.
“You don’t intimidate me.”I try to act like his tough persona doesn’t scare me, when in fact, it does a whole lot.Holding my head high, I wait for him to come to me before I ask what is happening.
“Your room is ready, Miss.Please come with me.”He stands in front of me, blocking my path and unmoving.
“How am I meant to do that when you’re in my way?”I seethe.
The movements that follow happen so fast that I have no time to react as Vince quickly steps close to me, taking me in his arms at the same time he covers my face with his hand.
That bastard.
I curse as I fall into unconsciousness for the second time.
Large hands set my every nerve on high alert.A deep and husky voice whispers promises of what’s to come.I beg to touch him, but my wrists are bound to the head of the bed, so I buck my pelvis, grinding on him in hope that the friction will give me the release I need.
“Tut, tut, my little treasure.You will learn to behave.”
My upper body launches forward, while my hands fly to my chest and I heave breaths.
What’s happening to me?
It seems that question is a rather popular one lately.
My forehead is drenched in sweat, and as I calm my breathing, I discover I’m once again in a foreign bedroom.This one, however, has his scent all over it, invading my senses; sandalwood and perhaps a hint of vanilla.That explains the rather inappropriate dream I was having.
When I look around the room, this time it’s set out more modernly.The steel framed bed takes up a large area of the room and is pointed toward more tall windows—these ones overlooking the rivers.
Slowly taking in the rest of the room, I’m startled by the man who’s focused on me and sitting cross legged in a wingback armchair.
I still, then become extra mindful that I’ve been put in a men’s shirt.Hisshirt.It’s then I bring my anger to the forefront.This man brings out the worst in me and I don’t understand why, yet my body betrays every word while it craves to be acknowledged by him.
“Do you find pleasure in sedating me all the time?You could have asked, you know, and maybe I’d have done as you’d asked.I haven’t forgotten that I’m being held against my will, but that doesn’t mean I won’t cooperate.”He continues to stare at me, his face expressionless, except when I look into his eyes, I can see that same war wagering as when we stood outside.“For fuck’s sake, Alexander, will you at least acknowledge what I’m saying instead of sitting there and ignoring me?”
As soon as I’ve spoken his name, he’s out of his chair and stalking over to me.I scatter as far back on the bed as I can until my back hits the headboard, not once breaking eye contact.