Page 4 of Concealed Deception
“Go do your stalker shit, for fuck’s sake.I’ll call you when I have news.”
“On it, boss.”With a two-finger salute, he’s gone.The man can move fast when he wants to, and he can also piss me right off.And he’s right, if I wanted him dead, he would’ve been long ago.
Entering my office, I think of all the ways this conversation with William will go.I hate the bastard.I think he’s a foolish old man, but I need him.He thinks by teaching me the ways of our industry that I owe everything to him.He’s a fool to think so.I learned everything I know by watching or getting my own hands dirty.I made everyone fear the name Alexander Lamont.
Before sitting down to call him, I pour a double of whiskey, throw it back, then pour another.I make my way to my leather chair, light a cigarette, then press dial.
His haughty voice booms over the speaker.
“William,” I greet.“I hope you’re well.”Non-question greetings always irritate him.It means he’s not in control of the conversation, and he hates losing control.
“What do you want, Alexander?I don’t have all day.”His snide tone confirms as such.
“I think I’ve found her.”I’m jumping to conclusions here, but how can I not be right?She looks just like her mother and father, and her age matches that in my records.
“You’re certain?”His demanding voice shows signs of repressed excitement—he’s been waiting twenty-two years for this debt to be paid.A debt that’s rightfully mine to claim, and ever since I was old enough, I’ve known that wherever she was, I’d find her first.
I open my mouth, about to go into detail, when Tony bursts through my office door.My palm is up the moment he looks at me, stopping any noise coming from his mouth.This moment is important, and if he fucks it up, I may make my false threat from earlier very, very real.
Holding a finger to my lips for added guidance, while blowing a plume of smoke from my nostrils, I then proceed to speak about what comes next.
“I have my men on every lead possible.All I need to know from you is if I collect your debt, you will let me deal with it.I need your word.You’re to leave this alone.”
“Like hell I’m going to leave it, sh—”
“Then you will suffer the consequences.”I end the call before any more damage is done.I needn’t make promises right now, not before I’ve succeeded.
“What is it, Tony?”
“It’s all set.”
“Good.Now, on to our next matter.I have a score to settle with the judge.It seems he’s been using our rooms for more than a bit of fun.”
I swear I see fire in Tony’s eyes, but it doesn’t match the darkness in mine.
No one abuses the rules and gets away with it.Especially not on my premises, and certainly not with my women.
“Bring him to me.”
“Yes, boss.”Tony knows when to fall into his role as my right-hand.It comes naturally and always has.
For as long as I’ve known him, he’s been my counterpart.If I need him, he’s right beside me, and there’s nothing he loves doing more than inflicting pain.
Tony and I first met when I became William’s protégé.He had the same darkness in his eyes as now, only back then he didn’t know how to manage it.I helped him to channel his demons much like I channel mine; with women.We use them as much as they’d like to think they’re in control of us, but we never relinquish control.Especially not me.
My office door soon opens again, announcing the arrival of my guest, the not so Honorable Reginald G.Lewis, Chief Justice of the United States.I ignore his entrance, pouring us each a glass of amber liquor.After all,Iam an honorable man.
Tony gives him no room to escape as he guides him toward one of my leather chairs in front of my desk, giving him no option but to take a seat.I, however, take my time.There’s no fun in torture if you don’t make them sweat before they pay up.
Tony takes his place guarding the inside of my office door, ready to pounce at any given moment.
As I begin speaking, I make sure he knows who’s in charge of this room.“I don’t like these interruptions, Reginald, you of all people know how valuable time is.Why must you waste mine?”I pause for a brief moment, enough for him to think about how he’s going to answer without giving him the chance to.“I would much rather be doing anything else right now than giving one of my VIPs a recap on etiquette.Do you, Chief Justice Lewis, like your job?”I wait and wait, but the sick fuck won’t speak.“Answer me!”I demand.
He straightens his posture, gaining composure like he has control of this situation.“Yes.”His simple answer won’t do.
“I don’t like repeating myself, so why are we here?”It’s a rhetorical question.One I already know the answer to but I'm biding my time until Mr.Lewis cracks under the pressure.
“I don’t…”