Page 46 of Concealed Deception
Although my shoulder hurts like a bitch and my body is still weak from the blood I lost, I manage to get undressed and into the shower on my own, unlike at the hospital where the nurse insisted she at least help if I was leaving.Now I’m leaning against the shower wall with my good arm, pretending life is basic.
I block out everything that involves William.I forget the events of the past few weeks, and I try so fucking hard to forget about the woman who has taken over every emotion I’ve tried to keep vaulted for at least the past twenty years—to no avail.
Tony, the bastard, called me out from the beginning.His previous statements about Ava play on repeat.
“You’re becoming attached.You know she’s getting to you.I think you’ve just admitted to yourself how special Ava is.Ava is your dark angel.”
I need to stop this once and for all.I need a distraction.
Getting out of the shower and finding a new pair of trousers and a shirt, I leave the hotel suite and go back to the lobby, in hopes of finding one of the women from earlier.
Throwing all caution to the wind, I stalk toward the nearest woman who keeps eye fucking me and whisper dirty promises in her ear.It’s like leading a lamb to slaughter—she’s already won over.
The door closes, and therefore, marks my cue.I have her backed into a corner before she registers what’s happening.
“Shouldn’t we wait until we’re in your room?”
Her lust ridden pants fill the small cage.That’s what it feels like now the moment has gone.I take a step back to give myself some space.She stands perfectly still, chest heaving with curious eyes.
“Who are you?”she asks.
I laugh with hysteria at her question.
“Who am I?I’m your best and worst nightmare.”
She averts eye contact, looking everywhere but at me.
Thedingis enough to shake her thoughts.I turn and march for my suite door.Once inside, I head directly to the bottle of whiskey I left here and drink straight from it, trying to gather my thoughts as my dick loses interest, which is a problem.
I never have second thoughts when it comes to fucking women.Ever.
This isn’t the woman my dick wants, though.
She’s no match for my needs.
She’s merely a slut off the street.
I’ve had enough of women getting into my head.I spin on my heel and let all of my confusion and frustration out on her as I yell at her, “Get out.”
Her nervousness drives me further.
“Run, little lamb, before I change my mind.”
Tony and Vince have been gone from my room for hours now, and I know that if they haven’t come back, then Xander is awake.
I face Camille, who stands next to the door.
“Have you heard anything?”Her downcast expression fills me with dread.“Tell me, I can handle it.”
“He left.”
“What?”I’m out of bed in a flash, tangled in the sheets and the damn hospital gown they’re making me wear.I’m lucky I didn't topple face first onto the floor.
“I need to see him.I’m going to his room, and you won’t stop me.”I look around for my bag, which Lacey brought for me from our apartment.