Page 55 of Concealed Deception
“They worked better than you could believe,” I reassure her.
We stare at each other, taking in the other as we mull over the events we went through in our minds.
“Do you know when you get to go home?”I ask her, wanting to forget the reason we met.
“Soon.Mr.Miles is working very hard to find me a safe way back to my country.My family knows I’m alive, that’s all that matters until I can hold them.”Tears well in her eyes.
“I’m so sorry for what you went through.Please let me know if there’s anything I can do for you.You played a big part in saving my life.”Okay, maybe I’m not done talking about it, yet.
“You have done enough, Ava.”She looks over my shoulder at Xander, which tells me he’s also looking after her and her family.
“Okay.”I accept what she’s saying and think of what to say next.I thought by seeing her I’d have many questions, but the fact of the matter is, I needed to see her full stop.It doesn’t matter what we talk about, it matters that she’s still here to have a conversation with.
“Would you like a drink?”I ask.
“I’d love a tea.”
“Tony, can you get me and Quinn a takeaway cup of tea from the café, please?Maybe take Xander with you.I’d like some alone time with Quinn.Vince or Knox can stand at the door while you’re gone.”My assertive tone isn’t to be messed with.The reason I can’t think of what to say is because I don’t want to say it in front of the men.
“Treasure…” Xander starts.
“I’ll be fine.I’m all teared out, promise.”I share a soft smile with him, then he’s huffing and cursing as Tony teases him as they leave.
Quinn laughs.“Those two really love you.It’s nice to see you’re cared for, also.”
“I love Xander just as much.Tony is bearable,” I clarify.
“No, he looks at you to protect.Not as much as Mr.Xander, but he does.One day you’ll find out he’s not as hard as his exterior.”
“How old are you, Quinn?Because those are words a mother would say,” I say, as if I’m joking, though I’m not.
“I’m thirty-one.I was kidnapped and sold in my mid-twenties, right after I had my third baby.So you see, I do say that as a mother.I’ll always hold a special place for you, Ava, the girl who saved me.If it wasn’t for your friends, I’d never get to see my babies again.”
Her heartfelt admission tears me in two.I know I promised Xander no tears, but how can I not when she tells me that.I’m heartbroken for a whole new reason, and I’m yet to share the same maternal instinct.
We fall into comfortable conversation after that until Miles comes to pick her up.Both of us tell stories from our childhood, and she tells me all about her children and how big they are now.She’s been lucky to have Miles on her side, helping her reconnect with her family.The devotion as she talks about them shows how truly amazing she is as a mom.
I’m glad to have met her, despite the circumstances.We’ll share a friendship for years to come, I’ll make sure of it.
I was lucky to have a few minutes to myself before the men came back.It gave me time to reflect on how I’ve been focusing on the negatives when I should be transitioning my nightmares into a positive.I’m alive.Quinn survived.
I link my fingers around the cup Xander passes me, relishing in the divine aroma while in thought.
“Is the other girl still in hospital?”I ask Xander.I can’t believe I forgot about her.All this thought about positives and being alive, and she could have lost her life.
“I believe so.”
“I want to see her.”I get up and search the suite for my coat.Xander follows me while I become hysterical.
“Treasure, calm down.You don’t owe her anything.”He waves off my request.
“I owe her everything!She helped me survive a hell that I didn’t understand.She gave me advice after they came into my cell and pumped me with drugs.She told me how I could defend my naked body even when they chose to use me as a wanking station.She was there when no one else was!I’m going whether she’s awake or not.I owe it to her, Xander.She needsmenow.”
He rubs a hand over his five o’clock shadow, battling his thoughts.I can tell he’s upset with what I just told him.I know he knew, but this was the first time I’ve spoken the truth to him.
“I’m coming with you.”
And he does.He sits me on his lap when we’re finally let into her room and allows me to thank her.