Page 24 of Sinful Addiction
“I’ll follow her and lure her to me.”I’m excited by the idea, and I’m not the only one as my dick twitches in my pants.
The shock on Ava’s face is amusing.
“I’ll clarify, shall I?”I raise my brow at her and elaborate.“Earlier, I was about to knock on her door when I overheard her screaming my name.It was the hottest thing I’ve ever heard.Anyway, rewind to before she turned me down.She activated her online dating app, the one I made her delete.The same one I used to lure your pretty cheeks onto Xander’s lap.I’ll cock-block her so she can’t hide from me.I’ll watch her every move so I know she’s safe.This is all on me.This is what I do best, it’s what I know.That way you can focus on the other important thing and continue being an asshole.”I throw a jab in Xander’s direction for added effect.Meanwhile, I see Ava slap her palm against her forehead like she knows I just made a mistake andArmageddonis about to break out again.
“You two need to stop this nonsense,” she mutters as if she knows we won’t adhere to her demands.
“Treasure, how about I have a word with Tony.I’ll be out soon.”Xander’s hushed affection toward his wife is enough for Ava to buckle at the knees.They exchange a passionate embrace before she leaves us men to talk.
“I have a job for you.You need to get your head in the game my friend, and if you insist on following Lacey around like a lost puppy, then you need something else that will occasionally let your dark soul off its leash.Silas called and located one of the men from the list you didn’t get to finish.As it happens, he lives close by.I want you to pay him a visit.”
I’m okay with this distraction tactic.If it means I can get lost in my head without the worry of losing Lacey or Darius finding her, then I’ll do whatever Xander needs me to.
“Give me the details.I’ll pay him a visit tonight.”I snatch the information from his hand and storm from the house without a backward glance.
It’s time to play.
I stand on this cock-suckers doorstep shuffling a deck of cards.I thought I’d go all out so he can see the irony of his situation.I wrap my knuckles on the door four times and wait.It’s eerily quiet in this dank neighborhood.I don’t know how he managed to steal all that money and continue living in this dive.The house is falling apart around me.For example, if I knock any harder, I swear my fist will break through the door from wood rot.
The lights are on inside, so someone is home.I turn the doorknob and the door creaks ajar as I push it inward.I keep my wits about me, but I know there’s nothing bad that can happen to me.I’m invincible.
I walk down the hall hoping I find the living room.I continue, keeping my footfall quiet as I step over rubbish left strewn throughout the neglected space when I hear a scuffle of shoes.
I continue shuffling the deck as I come face to face with my target.
“You know, Fredrick, it's bad luck to bring a gun to a knife fight.”I know that’s not how the saying goes, but I intend to serve this fuckface some justice of my own kind.
His body language betrays him.The rosiness of his chubby cheeks is a dead giveaway that he knows why I’m here.I mean, he must have seen me coming and knows who I am if he’s stupid enough to have a gun pointed at me.
“Have you ever shot a gun before, Fredrick?”His arms are trembling.The poor fucker looks as though he’s about to piss himself.“I was hoping you’d play a little game with me.Are you familiar with the rules of poker?”
His eyes widen and sweat begins to bead on his forehead.
“I will take that as a yes.Come, sit,” I motion to the adjacent chair as I take my seat and start dealing the cards.
Fredrick cautiously walks toward me with the gun still raised.He pulls his chair back farther than necessary out of reach from the table.A smart move on his behalf.I wouldn’t want to sit within close range of me either.
I pity this guy.He’s likely losing all the money he’s loaning, then when he succeeds to ‘win’ he’s losing that and leaving him high in debt.
I sit and wait for him to make his move and see his calculating eyes scanning his cards in one hand.Dumb man.He didn’t realize that a few seconds of distraction was enough for me to pull my knife from my jacket and hide it inside the cuff.
He repeatedly looks at me then to his cards, trying to decipher this situation.It takes two minutes and twenty-eight seconds for him to fold and place the cards on the table.
It takes me four seconds to slide my knife out and throw it, hitting him in the shoulder that has his hand on the gun's trigger.The gun drops instantly, and I’m out of my chair in a flash.
“You think it’s funny to ask Silas for money?It’s not enough that you win from it, but you take the winningsandthe loan to other casinos, then lose the whole lot?Tut, tut, Freddy.You are a naughty boy.Have you heard of Mr.Lamont?”
His eyes pop out of his head with the mention of my boss and his body tenses.
“Oh, so youhaveheard the name before.Interesting.”I take hold of my knife and dig further into his shoulder, twisting it in place.The scream that comes from this guy’s mouth is pathetic.
“You sound like a dying goat.It’s just a knife in your shoulder.You’re not dying…yet.”
“Get away from me you psycho.I’ll get your money back.Just get this thing out of me,” Fredrick pleads.