Page 3 of Sinful Addiction
I hope I’m right.
The man infuriates me.He pushes my buttons to the brink of insanity, then I succumb to his gorgeous face and ride his dick like a needy bitch, and I’m neither of those things.
I’m fiercely independent.
Sex with Antonio is out of this world amazing.He really knows how to please a woman.But right now, I hate him.I hate him for making me think I could fall for him.For luring me into his false sense of safety, then to turn around and hold a knife to me like I’m worthless.
I want to stay mad at him, although I know parts of what he said today are the truth.I’m not ready for what I’m asking of him.I thought by letting him express his darkest desires with me it would help me overcome my past and bring us closer.Instead, I tore us further apart.
I arrived home an hour ago.Long enough to have a bath, make cocktails and finally relax before Ava came knocking on my door.Now we’re sitting in my living room as Ava watches me drown my sorrows while I fight to keep the biggest secret of all.
“Lacey, what is happening with you?”There is a mix of sorrow and guilt in her question.Sadness because of my sunken gloominess, because she’s an angel who tries to take on my burdens then blames herself when it blows up in my face.
“How do you do it?”I ask, dispirited.
“Do what, exactly?”
“Don’t play dumb.How do you cope being the wife of the most notorious man in the country?You used to be the first person to avoid conflict, now you are the first person to rip anyone’s head off, next to Xander that is.I don’t know if I’m enough for a man like Antonio.”
“It’s not Antonio you’re scared of, is it?It’s the way he makes you feel.You’re scared that you’re already in love with him.”
“Just answer my question.”This is the only way I can continue this conversation without crying.Dare I say, I’ve done my fair share of that since I arrived home.
“I don’t know if I ever struggled like you’re asking.Our relationship didn’t exactly start out conventional, remember?”
My shoulders slump as I sigh, and exertion takes hold once more.“I don’t know what to do.Before him I would move on to the next.”I drink the fruity dregs from my glass, then get up to make another round of strawberry mojitos.
“What’s stopping you from moving on now?You two aren’t official, so…” She leaves me to mull over her words.I know she’s trying to plant an idea in my head.
“Moving on would be the best idea if this hadn’t been going on for so long already.I’m bewildered by him.How am I supposed to put those feelings on lockdown to find someone else when he’s everywhere?The bastard doesn’t let me use the restroom without him knowing for fuck’s sake.I get that we’re toxic together, but this will never end until we both say so.I might have walked out on him tonight then called you, but he came running straight to you guys as well.If it was easy, you wouldn’t have to be here picking up our ruins.”A plume of emotion bursts from my mouth as I try to explain how complicated my love life is.
I’m angry at myself for letting it get this far.Upset he let me walk out.I’m exhausted.
Ava takes our drinks and places them on the coffee table as I sit back down, then slides beside me and engulfs me in a hug.The simple action is enough for me to let go of the tension and stress I’ve been bearing until my body hurts and the tears have dried up.
“I have the perfect solution.”She takes my hand dragging me off the couch and leads me to my bedroom, neglecting our mojitos.
“I don’t think Xander would agree with you and me, babe.”I hiccup a laugh.
“For starters, I’m glad you’ve found your personality again.More importantly, that’s not what I have planned.We need to choose an outfit for you.We’re going out.”
“This is too familiar.Please tell me we’re not going to Envy.You know I can’t go back there.It’s a recipe for disaster.”I stop in front of my clothing racks and filter through the sea of colorful outfits.
“We’re not.”Her certainty scares me.Then she drops the real bomb.“We’re going to Las Vegas.”
My jaw drops.It wasn’t that long ago that I left Antonio’s, and she’s not only made me admit that I'm in love with the man but she’s whisking me away to the City of Second Chances.I look at my friend in disbelief.
“The power has gone to your head, woman.I stand by my previous statement.Xander will never agree to us going to Vegas without him.”She smirks while pulling out two dresses.
“Actually, you’d be surprised with what he’ll agree to with a little persuading.Now, which one?”She looks suggestively at me with a hint of amusement.
I reach for the shimmering black number.