Page 40 of Sinful Addiction
“I don’t understand.What is?”I’m shocked to think he’s blaming himself for a situation that’s—for the moment—out of our control.
He angles his head to the side, but with his eyes closed.Is he trying to hide tears?
“Antonio, please.You’re starting to scare me.What’s your fault?”I lower my voice, hoping I can pacify him.
The longer the silence grows, the more unsettled I become.I no longer feel grounded as the anticipation takes over.
He finally opens his eyes, and when he does, he avoids looking at me.
As he pushes off the balcony, he slowly walks away from me again.“Antonio,” I beg, not wanting him to shut me out.
Spinning to face me, he takes three long strides before he’s nose-to-nose with me.
“He’s trying to hurt me by getting to you,” he seethes.
Goosebumps prickle my skin like a hot rash, although it feels like the temperature dropped at least 20 degrees.
“Who is?”
Antonio turns emotionless.
“My brother.”
Lacey doesn’t understand the momentousness of the situation if Darius gets to her.
I’ve always been the lesser of two evils, regardless of what I say.I honestly don’t know how I’m going to protect her from him if he’s already got his sights on her.I don’t know where the fuck he is for one!
“You have a brother?”The hushed question isn’t because she’s scared of my answer.It’s because I’ve just freaked her out by throwing my baggage at her.The last thing I wanted was to bring her into my past, let alone bring it up.I’m not certain I can.
No one knows what happened that day, bar Darius, me and our mom.
I release the breath I didn’t know I was holding.
“There’s a lot you don’t know about me.I have enough baggage to sink a fleet of Navy ships.Xander doesn’t even know half of what my life was like growing up.”
I wait for that to sink in.Am I worried she’ll show pity for me.Yes.Am I scared she’s going to run because I’m once again putting her life in danger?Not a fucking chance.My woman has a backbone stronger than most men.She’ll find it hard to absorb at first, I know this, but she will undoubtedly rise like a fucking queen right by my side where she belongs.
“I didn’t have a healthy upbringing.It was fucking toxic.”The bitterness comes off my tongue like venom.I don’t know how far I’ll be able to go tonight.This isn’t something that can be rushed.However, if these threats are indeed from Darius, then Lacey will need to know sooner rather than later.
“Hey, it’s okay if you don’t want to talk about it.I get it.Some things are better left buried.”She wraps her arms around me and burrows into me.
“Where the hell did you come from, my little hurricane?”I encase her, holding on tight.Hurricane is an understatement.
“I did blow into your life and knock you on your damn knees, didn’t I?”
I smirk at her sass.My little pixie is back.
“How about we put these away somewhere safe inside.I’ll run you a bath and we can get ready for dinner at your parents’?I promise, Darius won’t hurt you.”I kiss her milky hair before releasing her from my hold.
“That sounds perfect.I’ll get my outfit ready and meet you there.”She pushes out of my hold to go inside, leaving me to my thoughts.
“Leona, Mommy and Daddy are going out for the night.Darius is going to watch over you and your brother, okay?Be a good girl.I’ll see you in the morning.”Mom kisses the top of her head.I never get sweet words or kisses.All I ever get are punishments.
“Antonio, be on your best behavior.No more silliness with your brother.”