Page 47 of Sinful Addiction
“We’re leaving,now.”
With one gentle tug, she follows me as I escort her to the car.
Lacey is quite the loquacious passenger.The entire ride she’s spouting off guidelines that are inconsequential to me.
We’ve been driving for almost an hour toward Massapequa, where her parents live.I’m surprised she hasn’t asked how I know the directions.Then again, I was the one who lured her friend into a false sense of expectation for my boss.
Yeah, I’m still proud as fuck of that moment.
“Whatever you do, do not engage in personal talk with any of them.If they happen to pester you, you’re a businessman and that’s all they need to know.”
“Everyone knows me, and you just gave your soul to the devil.I’m a criminal who wears designer suits.I rip people apart for a living.If they don’t know who I am, they’re not from this country.”
“Yeah, keep that to yourself as well.”
“You’re being a brat,” I tease.
“And you’re egotistical,” she retorts.
“Damn straight, baby.”My laughter’s hidden as I provoke her.
“Don’t antagonize me, old man.”I see the playful sparkle in her eye as we pull into her parents’ drive.
“Old man, huh.”I let that sit on my tongue.“You weren’t complaining earlier when I made you orgasm five times.”
“Oh please.Don’t bring sex into this.That’s playing dirty.”
“We both know I fucking crave you, my dirty girl.”My mask slips on at that precise moment.“Don’t start something you aren’t prepared to finish, Lacey.”
I slope her chin towards me so she can see the seriousness in my next comment.
“I’ll tell everyone in that house where I’ve had you and how you begged for more.”Her eyes widen.“Don’t play games, Lacey.Not with me.You’ll always lose.”
I spot a head peering through the curtain the moment I get out of the car.None of them knew I was coming, and I bet Lacey’s Mom is going stir crazy that her younger daughter has brought someone with her.
Lacey’s vulgar mouth stops moving as soon as I open her door and her whole demeanor changes; much like mine, she too is wearing a mask.One I have never seen on her before and certainly the very reason this dinner has now become a personal investment.
“I’ll behave, but you have to accept my motives.They already know I’m here,” I say in warning.
“As long as you don’t overreact to what’s about to happen and cut someone’s tongue off, then we shouldn’t have any problems.”
I stop her at the doorway before it opens.
“I protect what’s mine.”I seal my promise with a kiss.
She sways a little before gaining her composure and letting us inside.
“Welcome to my Hell,” Lacey advises.
A vixen like no other has risen before me.
As we weave through the house, the chaos that erupts before us is not what I was expecting.There’s loud conversation followed by bellowed laughter; the sort a person brown nosing would make as they try to impress someone.
As we walk closer to the noise, I instantly recognize one of the voices to be Lacey’s father’s.The others are unknown to me until we round the corner of the living room where everyone sits with a drink in hand.
Only when Lacey announces our arrival to the open room do the sea of heads look up.Right on cue her father’s eyes widen before he masks his expression.Next to express shock is her mother, but not for the same reason.
“Lacey, nice of you to finally join us.I never expected you to bring a guest.How delightful.”I ignore the little dig at our tardiness.