Page 49 of Sinful Addiction
“Aww, you two are adorable,” I hear Grace declare fondly from behind me as the focus of the evening is now brought to Lacey.She’ll probably kill me later for putting the limelight on her.
The moment my feet step over the threshold of Arthur’s office, my demeanor changes and all bets are off.I’m seen as the imposter in this man’s home, not as Lacey’s boyfriend.However, I do have an ulterior motive and that’s to ensure Lacey never finds out about Arthur’s wrongdoings.
“How dare you come into my home.That little stunt you pulled with Grace back there was cutting a fine fucking line, and I won’t have you doing it again.”Arthur’s face turns red as he spits his objection to me being here.
“I didn’t think a man like you would need a reason to hang off a girl like Lacey just to get to a man like myself.So, tell me, why are you really here and what do you want?”He has guts speaking to me like this.
“You’re right.I don’t need to be with Lacey to approach you.I’m with her for my own personal reasons.I’m here because she invited me,” I simply reply.
“Why have you been corrupting my daughter?”He’s seething.He doesn’t like that I’m dating her.
“This is about more than me dating your daughter and you know it.This is about you being scared she’ll find out your dirty secrets.You’re scared she’s going to find out what you’ve been doing, or rather who you’ve been doing inside Envy’s walls.”
I walk to his bar and pour us each a drink.
“I’ve been meaning to catch up with you actually.Your membership at Envy is no longer valid.If I were you, Arthur, I’d go back out into that living room with your family and act happy for Lacey even though your conceited self thinks she’s a disappointment.”My tone is cool and calm.The exact way I like to generate fear.
“What’s in it for you?I know you do more than let people walk away from their sins.Why treat me any differently?”
He’s ballsy, I’ll give him that.
“I don’t want your blood on my hands.I don’t want to be the reason your family is torn apart.If I have it my way, Lacey will never know of your involvement with Envy, and she’ll never find out her father is unfaithful.I’ve kept your identity hidden from Mrs.Lamont for that very reason.I suggest that you keep your head low from now on.Lacey is well aware of Envy’s playrooms.It won’t take her much effort to figure out our connection if you persevere with your arrogance toward me.”
The look of pure hatred aimed at me is laughable.I don’t give a flying fuck what he thinks.He can’t touch me, even if he exposes himself to his family, but he won’t.It’ll affect his whole career and reputation alike.
“If you think I’ll ever approve of you seeing my daughter, you’re wrong.I’ll never give my blessing.”
“We don’t want your approval.I’ve already left my mark on your daughter.Ask her about the necklace she’s wearing.”I smirk.I’ve provoked him long enough.
“I’ll see you out there, Arthur,” I say as I leave his office to rejoin the others and save my little pixie from further interrogation.
I’m suffocating.Kate is mad with me for taking the spotlight, while Mom insistently fawns over Antonio.Between the two of them and Charleston talking about how lucky Kate is to have him as a fiancée, I need an intervention.
“Will you excuse me for a moment?”I leave them.Kate no doubt spouting her resentment toward me to Mom.Honestly, you’d think she was the younger sister going by her behavior.Our entire childhood she was hostile.At times I thought she was jealous.One little outburst and she received everything she demanded.
I take my time in the kitchen, searching through the cupboards, hoping to find a stronger substitute for wine.Though, it seems I’m wasting my time.Wine it is.I take a bottle from the wine fridge not caring what brand or flavor it is.As soon as the top is off, I swallow several mouthfuls, not stopping until I get heartburn.Luckily, the non-bubbly white Pinot Grigio slides down my throat like it knows its mission statement.I have no trouble clearing the neck of the bottle before I resurface for air.If only it was tequila.
I go for round two, hoping to finish the illusion of the tall bottle that betrays the amount inside.I get two thirds down this time before the fruit and honeyed sweetness becomes overbearing.
“That was impressive, yet I expected more elegance from you,princess.”
I freeze as soon as I hear that voice.All the liquid I consumed threatens to reverse its path through my esophagus as my stomach tightens in on itself.
What the fuck is he doing here?
I turn ever so slowly, only marginally managing to compose myself before my unsought guest.
“I wasn’t expecting anyone else to be here.”I check behind him, toward the exits of the room hoping Antonio isn’t anywhere in sight.The moment he sees me, he’ll spot the red flag waving above my head.On second thought, perhaps that’s exactly what needs to happen.If he interrupts us, then I won’t have to go through hell anymore.
“My dear.I wouldn’t miss my son’s engagements for anything.Especially when they’reforhis engagement.”His eyes pierce through me.Years of torture threatening to come to the surface and consume me.
No.I won’t let that happen.
“I was hoping you’d be here.”He steps closer so he’s within arm’s reach of me.I detest his lack of care for personal space.I take a step back but am stopped by the refrigerator.With the bottle still in hand I prepare to use it as a weapon.