Page 67 of Sinful Addiction
“Make him listen.Do it the same way he’d do to you.Strong men like Tony, Vince, Xander, Knox even, they all need strong badass women like us to knock them down a peg or two.”She winks.“Show him who’s boss, babe.That’s when he’ll give you whatever you want.”She glows with an expressive wiggle of her eyebrows.
“It works every time,” Ava says as she enters the bathroom.“I was eavesdropping.”She shrugs.
We open our arms, and she joins us.
“Camille’s right.If you want something done a certain way, you have to do it yourself.Take Xander for example.He likes being in charge, but when I role reverse with him, he’s too busy drooling over me to comprehend what I’m saying.That’s when I strike.”Ava looks proud with her devilish grin and sparkling eyes.
“I second that.”Camille looks the same.
“Okay, so all I have to do is use sex to my advantage and he’ll agree to anything.Easy,” I say.
“Um, not quite.There’s a specific time.Right before they, um, you know, that’s when you make your move.Oh, and the punishment for tricking them afterward is also worth it,” Ava clarifies with a lustful sigh.
I burst into laughter.Ava is the kinkiest person I know, yet she’s embarrassed with sex talk in front of anyone else.
“I think I know what I have to do.Thank you both for talking sense into me.I would have gone after them and likely gotten myself kidnapped.That would have given them both a run for their money, right?”No one’s laughing with me.“What?”I ask.
“Don’t underestimate what you’re asking, Lacey,” Camille reminds me.“You’re talking about taking a life.That’s not something you can automatically do.Believe me, I stand by my decision to take Silas’ donor's life.He was an evil man.”
Camille has stories of her own, and maybe one day she’ll tell us them, but for now I appreciate her honesty and willingness to help me.
We exit the bathroom, following Ava then all jump when Ava does as Vince walks past the bedroom door.
“Camille?Babe, what are you doing here?And why do you all look awfully suspicious?”He shakes his head.“Never mind, forget that I asked.It’ll only get me in trouble,” he mutters as he keeps walking toward Xander’s office.
“And on that note, I’d better pop in to see the men and get my man away from here.No offense, Ava,” she snickers.
“None taken.Me and Lacey are going to think up all the ways—” Ava gets cut off.
“All the ways to what, ladies?”
We both jump out of our skin at Antonio’s presence.
Ava and I say simultaneously.
“You have to stop creeping, Tony.It's…creepy,” Ava huffs, but the laughter in her tone is a dead giveaway she’s slightly amused.“We’ve been thinking of all the ways Lacey can get you out of Xander’s office so she can have you all to herself for a while.Isn’t that right, hon?”She turns to me as if this is my cue.
“Yup,” I agree.I don’t know how I believe I look, but something is working.
“Ava, if you don’t mind.Lacey is otherwise occupied.”He strides past her and walks directly into me.The smug bastard is making me step backward, guiding me into the bedroom.The door slams closed behind him and it’s just the two of us.
“What were you planning?”His smoldering tone almost buckles my knees.
“Take your shirt off.Then lay on the bed,” I demand.
He has the gall to question me.“And what if I don’t?”
“If you don’t, I’ll withhold sex from you for a week,” I promise.
“Yes, ma’am.”
As he follows orders, I search the room for bondage materials.