Page 38 of The Right Sign
I arch an eyebrow at that.
“But I don’t think meeting Lucy this soon is wise. Your sister will see right through you.”
“Let me worry about that.” I hold a hand out. “Tablet.”
Mosely sighs with his whole chest and slips the device into my hand.
I beckon Yaya.
Her fingers curl into fists on the table and she remains seated. Her head tilts up in challenge.
She’s at my mercy. Where does her confidence come from? It delights me.
I lift my fingers. With calm movements, I sign the word for ‘please’.
Her eyes widen. She pulls her lower lip between her teeth and I stow it away as an expression I want to see, to be the cause of, again. Her eyes close for a second. Is she coaching herself, reminding herself what’s at stake?
I memorize the way sunlight plays on her skin. The way the wind blows her hair back and forth. The way her forehead smooths out as she comes to some kind of conclusion.
The signed contract is safely in the binder Mosely’s gripping.
She’s mine. On paper.
There’s a long way to go until she’s mine completely, but even this tiny step forward feels electrifying, exciting.
Yaya pushes herself up as if she’s carrying a great weight on her back and steps toward me.
I speak to Mosely without taking my eyes off her. “Tell José to take Jenny first. I’ll escort Miss Williams to the car.”
“I’m assuming I’m not to join.”
“If you see my head smash into the window, it would probably be a good time to intervene.”
Mosely snorts.
I gesture for Yaya to walk beside me. She moves stiffly, clearly uncomfortable, and yet her stride remains confident. Perhaps a by-product of her occupation.
We get into the tram together and Yaya stares straight ahead, ignoring me.
Mosely’s warning whispers through my head.
Lucy will see right through you.
I can’t have that.
For many reasons.
Taking out my tablet, I write:
Are you comfortable?
Her eyes flick over the words and then snap to me. A glimmer of a frown taints her soft lips. She nods tightly.
I return my attention to the view. The city glints in the distance, spotless after being washed down by a heavy rain a few days ago. Puffy clouds taint an azure sky.
I’m surprised when that sky is disrupted by a phone screen being shoved in my face.