Page 64 of The Right Sign
Huh. I don’t buy that. Being the new kid sucks, especially for someone as proud as Talia. Settling in. Finding her place in already established cliques. It can’t be easy.
“I know it’s tough being the new kid—”
“It’s not tough.” She tilts her head up proudly. “I already rule this dump.”
“Oh? Okay.” I smile at her confidence.
“It’s true. Everyone knows my name now.”
“Did you make any friends?”
She scoffs and rolls her eyes. “These idiots are too stupid to be my friends.”
“Hey,” I set my leg on the running board and rest an elbow on my knee, “that can’t be true for them all. Sazuki’s daughter goes here. She should be around your age. Maybe you can make friends with her.”
“I don’t think so.” When she sees my concerned frown, she smiles sweetly. “I don’t need anyone but you, Uncle Dare.”
“Sweet talker.”
“Are we getting ice cream now?”
I ruffle her hair and wink. “I’ve got something even better.”
While Mosely drives to the surprise I arranged, I make small talk with Talia who is a never-ending rush of words.
“Sounds like you had an interesting day,” I muse when she finishes the drawn-out tale about her fourth period teacher’s hairy mole. “Kiddo, you’re talkative today.”
She shrugs nonchalantly.
“I hope you weren’t this chatty during class.”
“Why would I be?” She flops back into her seat. “That school is lame.”
“What’s lame about it?”
“I don’t know.” She picks at the tag on her school bag. “The other kids. The food. Everything.”
“Should I talk to the principal? We can’t have the queen of the school thinking everything is lame, can we?” I tickle her side.
She giggles. “Uncle Dare.” Her eyes catch on something outside the window and she freezes. “Are we getting ice cream here?”
I twist around and smile when I see the arcade.
“Even better.” I help her out of the car and hold her hand, walking inside. “I rented the place.”
“Sweet!” With a dazzled look in her eyes, my niece turns in a circle.
The arcade is a kid’s wonderland with neon lights blinking, cartoon graffiti on the turquoise and orange walls, and the smell of popcorn filling the air.
“What do you want to play?”
“I don’t know. Everything?” Her voice is a high-pitched, excited shriek.
I laugh. “Let’s start with basketball, maybe? And then work our way around.”
Mosely gives me a frightened look.
Ignoring him for the moment, I kneel in front of Talia who is vibrating with excitement. “Tals, why don’t you get us set up with the cards? I already asked for limitless coins. Just go to that lady behind the desk. Remember to say please.”