Page 3 of Three-Night Stand
What I found wasn’t her chewing them out, though. She was pacing back and forth in front of where they sat on their own couches with her hands on her hips and fury on her face. She wasn’t angry at us, though. Nope. It seemed another man had pissed in her cereal that morning.
“This is just the cherry on the shit cake. Why not get a scar to memorialize the day I walked in on my boyfriend cheating on me? I’m so angry I could punch him in the dick.”
I swear all three of us males cringed. I also had to rearrange my thinking. She was no Disney princess. She had spunk, to say the least.
“She had the nerve to brag about his oral skills.Please. I literally have had better orgasms humping my hand. Either her needs are rock bottom, which is great for her if that’s the case, or she was just lying to try to hurt me. But I don’t give a fuck. I’m embarrassed, sure! It’s not everyday you walk in on your boyfriend motorboating Miriam Dark’s vagina lips, but whatever. I’m just pissed. I came all the way here. I shaved. I put lotion on every inch of my body. Even the backs of my knees. Did I care that they’re going to get sweaty faster now? Nope. I wanted to be smooth.”
I leaned against the doorway and let myself really look at her. She was taller than I’d thought and had legs that stretched on for miles. The black jeans hugged her full ass and hips in a way that made my mouth water. Her waist clipped in just enough that my hands would fit in the notch perfectly if I was taking her from behind. Her shirt made her full breasts look even more delicious while she was standing and I was at half-mast almost immediately.
Her body, as stunning as it was, barely touched on the beauty that was her face. Her big blue eyes were surrounded by dark eyelashes and her pouty mouth was stained red. She had dark brown hair down to her shoulders that curled wildly. If she hadn’t been swearing, her creamy skin would’ve really made her look like a Disney princess. She could’ve probably gone down to Florida and got a job playing one of them right then. I’d never been attracted to a Disney princess before, though.
“And you want to know the worst part? I work for the stupid asshole. And no, before anyone has the jackass assumption that I’m sleeping my way into my position, I’m not. I’m better at his job than he is and I’ve been sticking around for even longer than I should’ve because he kept promising that he’d put in a good word with his boss for me. Because I deserve it. I do his work. I can’t remember the last time he’s had to do a single thing. At least he chose to fuck Miriam himself. Although, I’m pretty sure I’d be better at that, too.”
Jones snorted and held up his hands when the little firecracker spun on him. “I’m not disagreeing with you, honey. I’m just enjoying hearing you eviscerate this dickhead.”
She stared at him and slowly her face darkened and she brought her hand up to cover her mouth. She looked absolutely distressed and I hated it.
“What’s wrong?” I made myself known and was rewarded with watching her eyes trail down my bare chest. The way her eyes got all bedroom heavy and she licked her lips turned that almost solid erection into a full blown erection. I had to shift to hide it from her curious eyes.
She glanced back at Jones and then at Xavier. “Oh, shit.”
Xavier stood up and inched towards her. “Are you okay? Your head… Is it hurting?”
She looked up at him and I saw the way her body naturally swayed towards my giant of a best friend. Something about that made me want to hug her. Some women treated Xavier and his size like a threat and it hurt him. “Oh, shit. I can’t believe I didn’t realize before now. You’re JAX.”
Jones sighed and nodded. “Yep.”
She pushed her curls back from her face. “Don’t worry. I’m not going to fangirl. I’m just mortified. I work for your record label and this is now the most unprofessional vacation I’ve ever taken. I have to go. Can you just forget you ever saw me?”
MackStonefrownedatme and grunted. In his state of undress, I couldn’t handle any noises from him, much less grunts, so I kept my eyes elsewhere. “Who do you work for?”
I planted my hands on my hips and tried to remember how to be professional. Everywhere I looked, there was another member of the band, though, and I couldn’t regain my composure. Jones Alridge and Xavier Leeds were justthere, staring at me. Xavier was standing close by and my ovaries very much weren’t in a mourning phase. He was so big. I was taller than most women I knew and the same height as Matthew. Xavier made me feel tiny. I could’ve probably climbed him like a tree and the idea interested me more than it should’ve.
Jones stood up and I realized he was also a lot taller than me. My ovaries sang again, stupid things. I looked up at him and swallowed when his pale gray-blue eyes landed on mine. From a few feet away, his eyes were so much more intense than in the pictures I’d seen online. His pitch black eyelashes against the paleness of his eyes made his gaze almost haunting. I wanted to look to the side and shy away but my stubbornness wouldn’t allow it. Instead, I tilted my chin up slightly and held his gaze.
He reached up and rubbed his stubble of a beard and then worked his hand through his short light brown hair. “Who do you work for, Firecracker?”
I crossed my arms over my chest and watched his eyes lazily drop to my chest before moving back up to mine. My normal reaction would’ve been to correct a man’s wandering eyes or to just cover myself if the situation didn’t allow for a correction, but I did neither with him. I cocked my hip out to the side and raised an eyebrow. “My name is Layla Morgan. I work for Matthew O’Brian. He’s the manager for The Homewreckers. None of what I said leaves this bus, though. Understand?”
His lips lifted on one side in a smirk that made women across the country throw their panties at him. He flashed perfect white teeth at me and a flash of a tongue ring. “You sureyouwork forhim? Because I met that O-Brian dick once and I highly doubt he can handle you.”
Dammit. Whether he knew it, or not, that was flattering as hell to my wounded ego. I smiled and uncrossed my arms. “You heard what I said about having better orgasms with my hand.”
Their laughter filled the bus around me and when Xavier shifted even closer to me, it was with a warm smile instead of the concerned look he’d sported before. He lifted his giant hand towards my face and when I didn’t flinch or shift away, we were both a little surprised. I normally wasn’t a huge fan of being touched by people I didn’t know.
That hand was as gentle as a breeze when he cupped my face and tilted my head so he could look at my forehead. From that close, I could see the flecks of gold in his light green eyes and the scar through his left eyebrow. His olive skin glistened with sweat and when I inhaled deeply, I could smell a mixture of his deodorant and sweat. It shouldn’t have sent a buzz of electricity straight to my core, but it did. The man had to have pheromones as big as him.
“Sorry. Still need to shower after the show.” He shifted back a step but I surprised us both again by reaching up and putting my hand over his thick forearm.
“You’re fine.” My voice was huskier than normal and I had to clear it before I could continue. “So, what do you think? Will I live?”
He caught his tongue between his teeth as he looked me over again and the sight of it made me flush like he’d just propositioned me. With his long dark brown hair hanging down his back in waves and his strong jaw, he was a dream. “It’s just a scratch, but you passed out.”
I laughed easily. “I saw the blood. I’m not a fan.”