Page 110 of Rules Of Our Own
Me: You’re going to pay for that.
Alex: Looking forward to it. *winky face.*
I tuck my phone into the back pocket of my wool pants. I’d dressed in all black for tonight’s activities. I inhale and exhale slowly, shaking off my thoughts. This is not the place to be turned on.
I push open the door to the PlayfulMotion clinic.
“Can I help you?” a woman asks from behind the front desk, her fingers never leaving the keyboard.
I straighten the buttons on my sleeve. “I’m here to pick up Doctor Mia Brooks.”
She looks up and smiles at me. “You must be River. Just right through those doors, Honey.”
I push through the doors and scan the clinic. It’s painted in bright colors and decorated with kids in mind.
I spot Mia in the back. She’s kneeling in front of a girl who can’t be more than five years old. The little girl’s grinning at Mia as she helps her with some kind of arm brace. I’m frozen in place watching her work. At how she’s lit from within as she speaks with the kid.
I can’t make out what she’s saying, but whatever it is has the little girl giggling.
“You gonna ask her out?” a boy asks from where he’s sitting on a giant beanbag chair that practically swallows him. He side-eyes me. “Scared or something?”
I look at him and note the way he seems to be judging me. “Something like that.”
“Why do you look so terrified? I’m the one who’s about to get his leg chopped off.”
I gape at him, unable to form words.
He bursts into laughter and holds up his leg. “Just kidding. Already did.”
“Ethan. Stop picking on him,” Mia says, laughter filling her voice.
“Come on, Doc. Couldn’t let him pick you up without at least testing him.”
Mia smiles. “Did he pass?”
“We’ll see.”
Tough crowd.
“Just let me grab my stuff.” She disappears into the back room, leaving me with Ethan.
He’s watching me with a raised brow.
“Would you feel better if I told you I love her?”
He smirks. “Who doesn’t?”
As Mia enters the room, my eyes are drawn to the way her deep purple dress flows effortlessly around her curves, stopping just above her knees. The soft fabric of her dress sways with each step she takes, and I catch myself holding my breath in admiration. She’s let her hair down, and the pale blonde strands tumble around her shoulders. My heart races as she approaches me.
The air seems to hum as I take in the sight of her, feeling like time has stopped for this moment.
We head out to my Range Rover I parked illegally in front of the clinic, and I hold the door out for her. When she climbs in, I lean in, kiss her cheek, and buckle her seat belt.
She rolls her eyes at me, but I can’t fucking help it. I’m addicted to doing things for her.
Mia’s smiling at me when I take the spot beside her. She’s practically vibrating with excitement, and I can’t stop myself from smirking back. “You’re happy tonight.”
Her smile grows impossibly bigger, and my chest squeezes tight. Fuck, she’s stunning.