Page 5 of Rules We Break
“You and Mia. Fuck everything and everyone else.”
“Hey, no fair that you say something like that after I asked for a car.”
I shrug, a smirk pulling at the corner of my mouth. “No one said anything about being fair.”
I step away and he grips my arm, tugging me to face him. His face is all sharp, serious angles. “You know it’s like that for me too, right? The car, the money, hell, the fucking game. You both come first.Always.”
He’s cute when he’s all charming. I grip his jaw and capture his mouth with mine, eating his moans. I don’t stop until he turns pliant in my arms. I grab his hoodie from the bench, noting it’s the one Mia likes to wear around the apartment with nothing underneath. Handing it to him I say. “Come on, before they send Coach in to get us.”
I pull open the heavy wood door and spot Lucas leaning against the wall across from us smirking like a Cheshire cat. “Well, well. What were you two doing?”
I cross my arms casually and lean against the door frame to match his positioning. “Exactly what you think we were doing.”
Alex makes a half cough, half choking sound. “How the fuck am I the shy one now?”
Lucas kicks off the wall and guides us out the door. “I don’t know but it’s fucking hilarious. Everyone’s already out there. I drew the short straw coming back to get you.”
“Short straw?” Alex asks.
“Yeah, no one wanted to deal with a pissed off River when we interrupted you two getting off.”
Alex turns bright red, and bites the side of his cheek. I swipe my thumb over the indent it leaves until he lets it go. “Don’t worry. I wouldn’t stop just because they walked in.”
Goosebumps erupt down his neck, and if I don’t stop this soon, we’re going to miss our flight.
I step back and shove my hands into my pockets to prevent myself from reaching out again. Lucas notes the action with another smirk.
I’d roll my eyes if I didn’t think Lucas would think it was fucking hilarious.
“Come on. Piper’s waiting for me back home and if I’m late because of you two she’s going to have words.”
The idea of Piper yelling at us, is surprisingly motivating. She’s not very big, but growing up around Lucas, Jax and her brother gave her an edge in an argument.
“We’re already ready, relax.” Alex says, and heads down the hall, opening the door to where our bus waits for us. Snowflakes drift all around us, melting the second they hit the ground.
We fly between games, but the bus is the most efficient way to get us, and all our gear to and from the airport.
I follow Alex onto the bus, and the second he turns into the aisle the space fills with the team's jeering. Every possible lew thing that can be said is said. I grab Alex’s pack from his shoulder and throw it up in the overhead bin.
“I’d say don’t be jealous, but you absolutely should be.” I say loud enough for the entire bus to hear.
Alex takes the window seat and I sit down beside him. The coach bus is specially made for us. They’ve taken out several seats to make more room. I stretch my legs out in front of me, and settle in when I feel Alex’s gaze hot on the side of my face.
I turn to him, raising a brow. “What?”
“Just wondering when you got so talkative?”
His teeth sink into his bottom lip, and I lift my hand to palm his face, running my thumb across his lip, and pulling it free. Goosebumps erupt down his neck and he visibly shivers. I meet his warm brown eyes. “When I started thinking of you as mine.”
“Oh.” It comes out on a little gasp.
“Yeah, oh.” I lean in and kiss his forehead. No matter how much I want to push this further, even I’m not comfortable fucking him on the team bus. Plus, I need him ready to go again when we get home to Mia. I’ve been craving her like a drowning man’s last breath.
Alex rests his head on my shoulder, adjusting himself so he’s angled into me, and flips through his phone. It’s lit up with notifications, and I lean in over his shoulder to read them.
Jax:Congratulations, Buddy. Knew they’d have to give it to you eventually.
Sidney:What Jax means is you deserve it.