Page 38 of The Survivor
Those were old stresses, though.
Now, I stood there, watching Laurie’s lights pull out of the lot, blanketing it in darkness once again.
My gaze slid to my client, taking a break from his reps.
Maybe I should have been paranoid about being alone with him. But the fact of the matter was, Mr. Kahan was about four inches too short, and thirty pounds too heavy to be my attacker. Besides, he didn’t have that mark in his eye.
I’d taken to really looking people in the eye since that night, wondering if I might randomly cross paths with the guy in the grocery store or on the street.
So far, not yet.
“How are you doing over here, Mr. Kahan?” I asked, approaching him.
“You know, it’s still aching when I… excuse me,” he said, reaching for his phone as it started to ring.
I took a few steps away, giving him some privacy as I wiped down some of the equipment.
“Oh, no. I’m not doing anything. I’ll meet you there in five,” he said, moving away from the resistance machine and making his way toward the door, not even bothering to say goodbye to me.
Everything in me wanted to rush out after him, to get in my car when he was still in the lot.
But I couldn’t.
I had to grab my bag and keys from the lockers in the back room. Then I had to check the back doors and set the alarm.
It didn’t take me long.
But Mr. Kahan’s fancy car was long gone.
My stomach twisted as I grabbed the scissors out of the cupholder on the desk. The morning staff would be pissed off, searching for them high and low. But I didn’t care as I set the alarm, then quickly moved outside before the countdown finished.
Heart lodged all the way up at the back of my throat, I made my way toward my car on unsteady-feeling legs, the muscles all watery and unstable.
My finger hovered over the unlock button on my key fob, knowing I wasn’t supposed to unlock it until the last possible second, because anyone could sneak in if I did it too early.
Like some cheesy horror movie, I heard footsteps behind me, steadily approaching.
My breath caught in my chest as I glanced backward, but his head was turned, looking toward the building I’d just left.
But he was gaining on me.
I barely resisted the urge to run, not wanting to alert him that I was hyper-aware of his presence when he could easily overpower me with no witnesses around to see.
I kept my pace sure and quick, but not running.
I bleeped my locks as I came up on the side, and had a moment of panic when he went around to the other side.
Until I realized he was parked next to me.
“Idiot,” I murmured to myself as I got in and locked the doors, taking a second to look in the backseat before I felt like I could take a breath again.
I was being ridiculous, I told myself as I started my engine.
That said, it was odd, wasn’t it, that he’d parked next to me?
Right next to me.
In a big, open lot.