Page 47 of The Survivor
I moved toward my pile of clothes, and quickly climbed into them, feeling a little calmer when I was covered up again.
Taking a deep breath, I looked at myself for a moment, trying to decide what my next move was supposed to be.
Going back to my room? Saying nothing.
That felt wrong.
We were adults.
Sex didn’t have to be a big deal.
Not even amazing, world-shattering, soul-satisfying sex.
Focusing on that was certainly not helping, judging by the way my cheeks went immediately pink.
I found and hung up my towel, then made my way out of the bathroom, finding Wells sitting off the side of his bed, looking at something on his phone.
“Where do you think you’re going?” he asked as I tried to kind of tiptoe past, practically unseen.
“Oh, ah, my room,” I said, gesturing toward the hallway.
He angled his head up to look at me as he set his phone back on the nightstand.
“Ah, because… it’s my room?” I said.
“You don’t want to stay here instead?” he asked.
“Oh, ah,” I started, but then he reached outward, anchoring my hips, and pulling me until I was standing between his legs.
“You don’t have to sleep here if you don’t want to. But I’m making it clear that I’m giving you the invitation,” he said.
He gave my hips a squeeze.
Then released me.
I knew it was smarter for me to go back to my room, to try to keep some distance. But I couldn’t seem to find that kind of self-control.
“I’m just gonna brush my teeth,” I told him, then rushed off to do that.
I did check on the dogs too.
Tilly was getting a drink of water. Finished, she cast a gaze at me that seemed to screamWhat do you want?Then she turned and walked back to the bed to curl up with Boss.
Apparently, he was her new boyfriend.
Some part of me was a little envious as my mind reminded me of all the reasons that it was a terrible idea to climb into bed with Wells, to let things progress.
Surely, there had to be a cop code of conduct in this sort of situation. There was no way he was allowed to get involved with someone who was a part of an active criminal investigation.
If they eventually did find my attacker, would this thing with Wells and me mean that his investigation would be brought into question? Would a guilty man walk because of it?
Those were the things that had my feet feeling heavy on the steps as I made my way back up. My soul felt equally weighted. Enough that I’d started writing a mental script for a conversation with Wells about all the reasons we couldn’t do this.
But then I stepped into the doorway.
And there he was in bed, the covers around his waist, his soft gaze on me.