Page 59 of The Survivor
The cage alone must have taken planning and time to install.
Had he been working on this since I’d stabbed him? Fueling his project with his pain and anger and frustration at not being able to complete his “job.”
He wasn’t going to waste time once he got me wherever we were going.
I could be half-dead, and fully wishing I was, by the time the police tracked down this guy, and came to try to save me.
I debated the best thing to do with the pen.
My instinct was to put it in my hand, to use it immediately when the cage opened.
But what if I didn’t have an opening?
And he saw the pen?
And took it from me?
Then I was left with just the laces, and my utter lack of faith in my ability to use them effectively.
But I also couldn’t put it anywhere that it might break or be too hard to get to.
Weighing my options, I decided on slipping it lengthways under my bra strap.
Hidden, safe, and easy to reach.
Happy with a plan, I sucked in another deep breath, only for it to rush out as the car finally slowed, stopped, and turned off.
It was going to be alright.
I had two weapons.
I was aware what the stakes were.
I wasgoingto make it out of this, damnit.
I refused to be his third kill.
The car shifted slightly as he climbed out.
The door slammed, and I swear my heart jumped with that sound, but then… nothing.
Seconds ticked to minutes as my skin grew clammy and my heart started hammering, despite my valiant efforts to stay calm and collected, to keep my head on straight for what was to come.
I started counting to sixty over and over, trying to keep track of how much time was passing.
Three minutes.
What was he doing for so long?
My stomach dropped as my mind answered.