Page 78 of The Survivor
Crime Time with Poppy
Hello, my beautiful, creepy people.
I come to you with an unscheduled update.
TheSilent Sadisthas been arrested after kidnapping his most recent victim, Mari Yates.
Knowing what we know, we can only assume he wanted to finish the job he’d started before she so bravely fought him off and sent him running.
News is still pouring in from many different sources, and this story will continue to develop, but from what I am being told, Mari was abducted from her own driveway after returning from work.
Her absence was, luckily, almost immediately known, and the NBPD quickly rushed into action, finding out thatThe Silent Sadisthad been short-term renting right next door to Mari’s house.
I know. Horrifying.
We can assume this might have been his M.O. with both Madison Silvo and Ashley Moore.
Mari was taken to a secondary location. I don’t have details on whether this was the perpetrator’s home, or another rental.
There, the reports are that Mari fought tooth and nail for her life.
Enough thatThe Silent Sadistis currently undergoing treatment at the local hospital.
My sources say Mari herself did not need to receive medical treatment.
And I think I can speak for all of us when I sayGood for you, girl.
Now, we have to talk about her attacker.
I’m not going to call him by his media name anymore.
He doesn’t deserve to have his reputation sensationalized.
Mari, Madison, and Ashley’s attacker’s name is Brandon Honer.
He is a Navesink Bank native, though I can speak for all of us when I say, we don’t claim him.
Brandon is a thirty-three-year-old computer programmer by trade. My research says he was very recently fired from his most recent job after not showing up for three days.
I think we can conclude this is after the initial attack on Mari Yates, he may have been injured, and he hadn’t been able to go into work. Or, perhaps, he was too angry and vengeful to function.
Brandon is the only child of Barbara and Lyle Honer.
While Barbara has refused to comment, Lyle Honer was surprisingly reachable and willing to discuss his son. He called him a ‘weird kid’ and a ‘loner.’ I will say that he had more to say about his ex-wife, Barbara. I won’t repeat what he said, but suffice it to say, it fit the profile we have discussed in my Patreon-Only chat. We concluded that Brandon was either raised by or worked under an overpowering, demanding, and demeaning woman.
That is not an excuse, of course. Done are the days when we blame women for man’s wrongdoings.
I will remind you that Brandon Honer was an adult. A grown-ass man who had choices. Like, I don’t know, going totherapy.
Instead, he chose to act out his sick fantasies on innocent women.
Charges are likely being filed as we speak by the district attorney. And I will have updates as more news about the trial comes out.