Page 25 of His Human to Adore
Erkoz rolls his eyes, and I can’t help but smile too. “Brother, we want your mate as much as we want Almaac’s. No male is ever going to risk being sealed for looking at her wrong.”
“They will not be sealed.” Dath relaxes his hold on me and allows me to move back around in his lap, so I’m facing the others. “They will die, and it will be with my claws in their necks.”
“Dramatic,” Erkoz huffs and shakes his head. “All the brothers would be much happier if they could figure out how to share.” He starts to say more to rile Dath up, but a bright light appearing behind the partition catches all of our attention. The room goes silent. A new human isn’t supposed to be sent for two more weeks, but someone is being sent through the portal right now, much too early.
“Let me go,” Olivia wiggles from her mate’s grasp and runs over to the partition.
Kendra watches, wide-eyed and unsure if either of us should run over to help. Dath keeps his hand tight on my hips, telling me I’m his for the time being. The only one missing is Diane, and that’s because she and Almaac finally went back to their home after the latest storm came. He really doesn’t enjoy sharing a room in the main building with everyone.
Olivia disappears behind the partition, and then we hear voices softly speaking with one another.
“The older brother is hers,” an unfamiliar voice says. Simone was A12-05, which means she should be who was sent, right? Whoever is talking to Olivia is definitely not Simone, though. “The Hands used our pheromones to figure out which of us were needed to complete the warriors’ transitions.”
Olivia’s head peeks out from the other side, and she’s staring past me to Toron and Yril. “Deja, I need your mate’s oldest blood’s tunic first.” I quickly motion for Toron to take his shirt off as I listen to Olivia grumble and complain about how stupid not saying names is.
Toron rips his shirt off his body so fast I’m surprised he doesn’t tear it on his horns. The cocky smile that was on his face when he was trying to get under Dath’s scales is gone. He stares at the partition like he can see through the wood and get a glimpse of the human that’s apparently supposed to be with the older brother.
“Goddess, please.” He mutters softly as his fingers tap on the table.
“We need to get them away from one another. Can you get the younger one outside?” The new human says. There’s a soft crying coming from a second voice that’s not familiar. How out of order did the Hands go just because they wanted to find the chosen warriors of this tribe? “Alice, we can’t stay together. We don’t know if they’re dangerous around each other like this.”
Yril takes his shirt off and tosses it to a demon close to the partition as he makes his way out of the great hall as soon as the woman says that she needs him outside. His body is tense, and it’s obvious he wants to stalk to her, but he’s willing to do as she says since he’s not completely lost to the rage and lust that consumes the chosen. His lips pull back in a snarl before he leaves the building, warning all the other brothers not to even think of touching the human who’s about to be his.
“Please,” the crying woman sobs, and it breaks my heart. Many of the demons sitting around have their eyes flash red for a moment, but it’s the deadly hiss from Toron that tells us the human’s fear is the worst possible thing that she could be feeling. “Don’t leave me.”
“You’re safe here,” Olivia says quickly. There’s a soft rustling as the women get dressed in their respective tunics.
“I need to get out of here,” the first woman says before standing. She steps away from the partition, giving the room a quick scan before rolling her shoulders. “Fucking lizard men, really?” She laughs when she makes eye contact with Kendra and me, who both wave at her, confused about whatever the hell is happening right now. “I’ll see all of you again in a few days.” She raises a hand and then takes off to the front doors.
Dath picks me up and follows her, wanting to make sure she is safe with his brother, I’m hoping. I mean, it’s why I’m happy that he’s having us follow her, and I have to imagine it’s in part to keep the new human safe. Everyone else can worry about the crying one, and we’ll make sure Yril doesn’t give the one that’s apparently his too much too fast.
Narrath stops us right before we leave, a pack in his hand filled with dried olack and water skins just like the one Yril gave Dath when he took me to his workshop.
“Give this to Yril before he goes after the human,” Narrath says with a smile. Dath takes the pack and gives Narrath a nod before we’re outside, watching Yril’s mate run away from him.
“Don’t touch me yet, big guy,” Her voice is filled with laughter as she runs past Yril, who is smiling as soon as he sees a human in his tunic. “Give me a head start. I’m pretty sure you like to chase.”
We don’t have time to ask her what she means by that. Dath sets me on the ground and holds Yril back as he tries to push him away. The new human is right that he wants to chase her down, but she doesn’t even give him a second look as she runs away and out the gate that leads out into the trees.
“I will disembowel you if you do not release me, Dath,” Yril snaps and hisses but doesn’t actually move to attack.
“Give her a head start, brother,” Dath smiles, enjoying that it’s not him who’s being teased right now. “You do not want your hunt to be ended so soon, do you?”
“How would you feel if we kept you from your mate?” Yril snarls at him.
Dath laughs long and hard, appreciating that he’s much stronger than the others for now. “You all kept me from my mate for days. Six of them, yes?” He turns to me and waits for my nod of approval before continuing. “I will keep you for just a moment, and you act as though you have been punished as much as I have.”
“Release me!” Yril’s claws extend, his body tensing even more. Dath lets out one last laugh before releasing his hold on his cousin. He pushes the pack into Yril’s grasp. Thankfully, Yril takes it with little thought.
Yril wastes no time in taking off through the tribe until he’s leaving through the opened gate. I worry about him being able to find her, but he seems like a demon on a mission. I’m sure the men can track at least somewhat decently since their survival hinges on their ability to hunt. Dath and I stare at the empty gate for a few more minutes before he puts his arm around me and turns to face me.
“Do you want to see the other new female, or do you want to spend more time with your mate?” He drops to his knees, his tongue working along my neck as his hands pull me closer to his body.
“Take me to your workshop,” I moan as he slips his hands underneath the tunic and starts rubbing his fingers against my slit. “The new woman will have Kendra and Olivia to watch out for her.”
“Good answer, little human,” Dath smiles down at me before pulling me up against his chest as he stands. “I will make sure you do not regret your choice.”