Page 29 of His Human to Adore
Deja’s hands drop my horns, and she wraps them around me so we’re completely wrapped up in one another. “Thank you for helping me find happiness in this new world.”
“You were sent to be mine,” I whisper a final praise to her and am still amazed when she offers me more.
“And you have always been mine.”
“We’rehavingagirl’sday,” Kendra says as soon as Deja opens the workshop door.
I am right behind her, towering over her with rage simmering under my scales. I just told her not to open the workshop door and wait for me to get to it. It is not rational. I know this, but what if whoever is on the other side wishes to harm my mate? Of course, the only creatures in our tribe cherish and adore the humans. Even so, my mind tells me to keep my mate as safe as possible. From all threats, which includes imaginary threats that I have just decided exist.
This truly is the safest tribe in all of our world, though. We have three chosen. Or at least one and a half and a half. I have not seen Toron or Yril since their humans arrived only a few days ago. Hopefully, they make quick work of mating them, but if their mating is anything like mine, they will suffer for a while before they are relieved. At least Yril’s mate seemed to want him. Maybe he will have an easy time finishing the transition into the goddess’s warrior. Toron’s female was sobbing the last we saw, so hopefully, she figures that out quickly.
“What is a girl’s day?” My anger is barely hidden in my words, and Kendra narrows her eyes on me like she wants to smack me. Understandable since I am no longer as sweet and kind to her as I once was.
“You used to be a sweetheart.” She crosses her arms in front of her chest. She speaks the truth, but that is no longer who I am.
I snap my teeth at her, but she doesn’t even flinch. She is Erkoz’s mate. Of course, she is fine with making others upset to entertain herself. She probably counted on me hissing at her before she came over to entice my mate into spending time with her. “I am still a sweetheart to my mate. No one else matters, really.”
“Our fearless protector,” Kendra makes a grand gesture of bowing before me, which has Deja laughing. My body is still tense behind her, but I relax slightly when she leans against me. My mate’s body is wonderful at calming my anger and my rage. She does not even need to be naked and writhing in pleasure, although that helps immensely.
“Seriously though, do you think you’re like this forever?” Kendra asks after a moment.
I look down at Deja and wait for her to give me permission to continue speaking to Kendra. My mate is the only thing that matters to me, and while rationally I know she does not mind me talking to my friend, the savage part of me, the part the goddess has brought to the forefront of my being, wants to please my mate in everything I do. Deja has already told me she will not ask for my permission on things as I will, and I have told her this is fine. I may need to stick my cock inside of her when she doesn’t ask, but we will figure that out when we get there. I, however, need to know that I have pleased my mate, that I am pleasing my mate, and that I can continue to please her in everything I do.
Deja gives me a soft nod, understanding what it is I am asking of her, and then I turn my attention back to Kendra.
“It should ease the longer I adjust. I’m still filled with plenty of rage that I need to rid myself of frequently.” My eyes dart to Deja as my lips twitch upward. I want to see if I can get her to giggle or show any sign of embarrassment. “My mate was chosen by the goddess to keep up with soothing the mood swings.” Deja cuts me a look that tells me I have embarrassed her by making it known she soothes my mood swings with her small human body underneath mine.
“Well, can I steal her away for an evening?” Kendra shifts her weight between her feet. She already knows I hate being away from Deja for more than even a moment.
Even as I just think about it, I am upset at thinking she will not be in my vision so I can make sure she is safe. I want to say no immediately, but my mate is looking up at me with narrowed eyes like she knows I am struggling with the part of myself that wants to keep her locked away forever so nothing bad can ever happen to her.
“Where will you go?” I ask.
My eyes stay locked on my mate’s, and her face softens because she can tell that I am trying not to be a controlling male. My scales are heating at the idea of her being away from me, but I know my mate needs me to be less of the angry, controlling male I have been and more of a loving and caring mate that she is happy to have young with. I smile, thinking of her growing with my young, and for a moment, I forget she is asking to be away from me for the evening.
“The dining hall,” Kendra says quickly like she is already prepared to answer all of my questions. Her mates must have told her I would want to know everything and that it would need to be a well-thought-out plan, so I am more likely not to be irrational about it. That is also why she did not bring her mates. Having other males here would put me more on edge, even though I know Erkoz and Xoth do not want my mate in the slightest. They are far too amused with their own. “I had my mates move one of the tables into a corner so we can sit away from everyone and hang out, but you and Alice’s mate can watch us.”
“Alice’s mate?” Deja asks, surprised that the woman who was recently crying behind the partition has mated in the few nights we have been gone. Maybe there is hope for my blood and the humans that have been sent to them. I feared Toron would not find peace for many days, but if Kendra is already calling the human his mate, maybe they are okay.
Kendra frowns, shattering all of my previous happy thoughts for Toron. “Not really, but she will be. They’re taking things slow because the dumbass Hands sent a virgin to be mated to him.”
Deja gasps a little and then looks up at me with a tinge of worry in her eyes. I furrow my brows, confused about what is wrong. So far, the creatures that have sent us humans have been good about choosing ones that are perfect for us, and the goddess has helped in making sure we are honorable males who want nothing other than to make our mates happy. There must be something wrong with the human female if Kendra and Deja are both so shocked about her being sent for Toron.
I look between the two humans again and ask seriously. “What’s a virgin?” Their laughter has me smiling because human laughter is the most beautiful sound. I am so glad that even with my anger, I can make those sounds come from them.
“Come on, Dath,” My mate wraps her hand in mine and drags me to follow her and Kendra back toward the great hall. “I’ll explain all of it to you later, but for now, I want to go have a girl’s day, and you can watch with all the other mated males.”
I sit at the table with Almaac, Ralleth, and Toron all evening. Sometimes, Erkoz and Xoth will join us and watch the females, but for the most part, they are talking with the other brothers and running off to do other things. How they always have so much to do, I do not understand, and how they can stand not watching their mate constantly is even more confusing.
Kendra has offered the women some of the alcohol that she enjoys drinking occasionally. She does not drink it much since most of the females are trying to get pregnant, and they say the alcohol is not good for the babes. Kendra and her mates are apparently in no rush to start a family, and so when she finds a new human victim, she feeds them the liquid, and they giggle all night. Kendra pours some more alcohol for her and the new human, Alice, and I feel Toron tense beside me.
“No more drinks, Kendra,” Erkoz shouts from across the hall. His eyes are locked on Toron, who is struggling not to march over to his mate and yank her into his arms. Erkoz turns his attention back to his mate, who is scowling at him. “You drink as much as you want, Xoth and I want to make you do many things tonight. The new human needs to be done, though.”
Kendra tosses her drink down her throat and then turns to the new human before grabbing her drink and tossing it back as well. Alice looks over to the table of mated males who have been watching her and her sisters all day, and she flushes bright pink when she catches the eyes of the male next to me.
“How are you feeling?” I ask Toron, who is tensing even more as the human stares at him with a flushed face.