Page 7 of Their Human to Tease
“Come sit next to me.” I hold out my hand for him, and he slowly reaches down to grab it. He takes a few steps and sits beside me with his legs crossed. “Can I lean against you?”
“Yes, of course.” Xoth moves his body closer to me and wraps an arm around my waist to pull me closer to him. He notices his hand on me and starts to pull it away, but I grab it and clasp it against me. He narrows his eyes on me. I want him to be the same confident demon that grabbed my waist when he won the game. The one who held me tightly and who looked at me with adoration instead of uncertainty, like he is now.
“What are you thinking about?” My voice is a whisper as I cling to his hand.
Xoth’s hand tightens on my waist, and I release it. His other hand strokes my cheek for a moment as he tugs me closer to him. “I worry you will see that I am no match for your beauty.”
“I don’t know if you know this, but none of you are exactly what I pictured when I thought of who I’d have babies with.” Xoth tenses even more as the words come tumbling out of my mouth. I don’t know if Xoth is a handsome demon or not, but he’s about as appealing physically as the others.
He clears his throat and then looks back at the bathing pool. “If you want to bathe, I will make sure you are safe.”
A plan, a dumb and barely thought-out plan, forms in my head. I want to get the demon naked so I can see what exactly I’ll be working with for the foreseeable future, and I want to know if I can get Xoth to get back to that confident version of himself I saw earlier. I don’t like that he’s second-guessing and questioning everything.
“I’ll feel safe if you’re in the water with me.” I trace my fingers along the neck hole in his tunic. His eyes widen, and his nostrils flare, so I lift my other hand and touch his cheek.
“You are a wonderful female.” Xoth closes his eyes and leans into my touch more. “I will win every game if the prizes continue to be so good.”
I let my hands fall from him and shimmy the tunic up and over my body until I’m exposed to the warm night air. I don’t look back to see if Xoth is looking at me before I slide into the warm water and let it envelop me up to my collarbones. A hiss behind me tells me Xoth definitely opened his eyes before the water fully covered me. I turn to face him as his tunic is thrown over his head. He works the strings of his pants but then looks at me with worry.
“My cock is out,” Xoth rubs his horns again and gives me a sheepish look. “Will that bother you?”
“Out?” I cock one of my eyebrows up at him, which has him rubbing his horn even more and refusing to make eye contact with me.
“You are gorgeous, and you’ve said my name, and you’re naked,” Xoth says it all so quickly I can’t help but blush.
“No, I’m fine with seeing it,” I interrupt him before he can tell me even more reasons he’s hard. “I just don’t understand what you mean about it being out?”
It’s Xoth’s turn to look at me, confused. “Did your males not have pockets?”
I open my mouth to answer him but just shake my head. A pocket? Like, does his dick chill in there until it gets hard?
“Xoth will just stay here.” He looks a little hurt that I’m just staring at him.
“Get in the water, Xoth,” I press my lips together with my hands on my hips. He can probably only see the top of my breasts, not that there’s much there to begin with. Maybe he’s one of those guys into smaller tits. There were plenty of them on Earth. Surely, some of the demons feel the same.
Xoth groans and wraps his hand around his clothed dick. His eyes close for a moment, and I watch greedily as he pumps his cock a few times. I’m almost positive I made the demon come in his pants by saying his name. It makes me want to know how often I can get him to do that with just my words. My eyes widen with a horrible idea, but I’ll have to wait until tomorrow. Tonight, I want him in the water with me so I can touch and admire him.
“Do you like when I say your name?” I ask sweetly as I move closer back to the shore. Xoth’s eyes pierce mine but drop immediately to my chest as I get closer to him. He doesn’t even hide his curiosity. He stares openly at my tits. I don’t move close enough for my nipples to be out of the water, but I’m sure he can somewhat see them under the rippling water.
“Very much, yes,” Xoth answers as his forked tongue licks at his lips.
“Get in the water with me, and I’ll say it some more.” I ripple the water in front of me to get his attention. If he could turn red in embarrassment, I’m sure he would be since he’s being called out on staring at my chest.
Xoth lowers his pants slowly, and keeps a hand covering his cock, much to my disappointment.
“You should be saying your mate’s name,” Xoth says, more to himself than anything. “I do not want you to regret saying mine when you find the male you are meant to be with.”
So he doesn’t want to be my mate? That’s kind of disappointing since I feel a weird pull to be around him. I feel the same about Erkoz, too, but it feels stronger to Xoth when he’s close to me. I thought it meant he might be my mate, but if he’s not wanting to mate with me, that makes things a bit awkward.
“How about I say your name for fun until it’s not fun anymore?” I offer. He’s in the water, close to me now, and his hands quickly find their way to my hips. He hisses again as his claws drag along my skin until he retracts them.
“You can do whatever you want to me for fun,” He says with a hiss as he pulls me closer to him. This is the version of him I like. The one whose hands can’t stand to not be on me and who holds me tight like he doesn’t want me ever to get away. His lack of confidence and self-doubt is gone when he’s like this, and I need to find out how to make him stay like this always.
My hands reach up to his chest and trace the outline of some of the larger scales. The dusty color of his scales fades to a soft pink around his abdomen, but I can’t see much lower to tell what color his cock is. He laughs softly when I stare at the water between us for just a bit too long.
“You stared.” I shoot a playful look up at him. “I think it’s only fair I stare a bit too.”
Xoth lowers himself in the water so he’s at eye level with me. “Kendra needs only to ask, and I will bare all of myself to her.”