Page 13 of Through the Fire
“Lu, did you hear what I said?” I try to ask in my gentlest tone.
“Yeah. I was just thinking it was a joke and waiting for the punchline,” she blanches.
“No punchline, babe. I know you’d like time away from me and I thought…” my words trail off and I shrug.
Once again she silently stares at me. I open my mouth to say more but am interrupted by the sound of the doorbell.
“I’ll get it,” I say quickly.
My nerves cause my heart to jackhammer as I make my way to the door. My in-laws are the most amazing people and I worry what they’ll think of me once this all comes to light. No doubt Luna’s dad, Jake, will want to shoot me, and her mom, Estella, will probably cut off my balls and feed them to mebeforeJake shoots me between the eyes.
I’ve hurt their baby girl and I won’t blame them for how they respond. But I will prove to them as well that I can change and will make this all right.
I unlock the door and swing it open. All five faces —Jake, Estella, Hunter, Helene and Poppy— are bright and cheery. My heart instantly breaks that I’m about to ruin it all.
“Daddy!” The kids shout.
I crouch down and scoop them all up when they run into my arms. They giggle as I squish them together and lay sloppy kisses all over their tiny faces. I loosen my hold on them butPoppy stays attached to me with her arms wrapped around my neck. Standing with her hanging off of me like a little monkey, I welcome my in-laws.
“Morning, Stella,” I greet her with a side hug and kiss to the cheek.
“Hi my handsome son.” I feel my heart drop and a lump the size of Texas form in my throat.
Despite having a son of her own —Luna’s twin brother, Lane— she has always called me son. She has since before we even married.
I lost my mom my senior year of high school and when Luna and I met her sophomore year in college and Estella learned of that, she stepped in as the mother I needed, showering me with love and attention. The same way her daughter always has.
I don’t deserve either of them.
“Hey Jake,” I hold out my hand to him and, as usual, he pulls me in for a small hug and pat on the back.
“Mornin’, Rome. Did you two have a good night?” He asks with a smile.
I swallow and give him a tight smile that doesn’t reach my eyes.
“Thanks for watching the little monsters. I hope they behaved,” I say, skipping over the details of our night.
“Oh, they’re angels. Always perfect angels. And we enjoy having them. You two should do date night more often.”
“Yeah. We’ll do that,” I tell him. “Come in. Luna’s in the kitchen. Are you all hungry?”
Estella walks ahead of us and I hear her talking with my wife. The kids are laughing and both talking over the other about their fun night with PopPop and Honey.
“We had a late breakfast. The kiddos slept in a bit. I’m afraid we kept them up late with movies and popcorn. Sorry ‘bout that,” he winces.
“No worries. Being spoiled and breaking mom and dads rules are what sleepovers with grandparents is all about,” I assure him.
We step into the den and I spot the twins already pulling out toys while cartoons play on the tv. Poppy wiggles in my arms and says, “down, daddy. I wanna pway wif bubba and sissy.”
I set her on her feet with a kiss to the top of her curly head and she scoots off.
My attention turns back to Luna and her mom. Estella cradles her daughter's face in her hands and swipes away an errant tear.
“What’s happening there?” Jake asks in a hushed voice.
I just shrug and he walks away to where the women stand.
I can’t look away. I wait for the moment that their faces change and dissolve into anger when she tells them. I was hoping we could tell them together, away from the kids, but the hurt is palpable and written all over her face. I don’t think we’ll have the chance to be alone.