Page 15 of Through the Fire
“Again,Roman,it’s not up to you,” she says with fire in her eyes, then turns her attention back to her parents. “He’s moving in with his dad. We’re telling the kids he’ll be out of town for work and visiting on the weekends. During those weekends, I’ll stay with you or Lane or Dani.”
“That’s not what we decided-“
“It’s whatI’vedecided,” she yells.
“I think this is a mistake. You two can work this out.” Estella speaks gently as she comes to rest in front of Luna, holding her hands.
“Princess. I think you two should see a counselor. The church has an excellent one and-“
“Stop!” She screeches at her dad. “You guys can’t be serious with this.He cheatedand waited a year to tell me. And now you want me to just go to counseling and all will be forgiven?”
Estella looks at Jake and he scrubs his hand over his face and into his short hair.
“Luna…many years ago I…was unfaithful to your mother,” Jake says with difficulty.
My eyes widen in shock as does Luna’s. Emotions filter over her face. Shock, sadness, anger.
“Daddy. How could you?”
“I’m not proud, much like Roman, and I am deeply ashamed. It was at a low point for your mother and I. You and Lane were young. Right around Poppy’s age. I was working a lot, trying to make the company a success, and your mom was busy with you kids. It’s not an excuse and it sounds stupid now to my ears, but all the attention was focused on you and Lane and I felt…neglected.
“I was so used to the praise and attention and the doting from your mother so much that, when it turned to you two, I was jealous. I sought the attention of someone else who was willing to give it.”
“Mom,” Luna says with sympathy.
“Listen, dear,” her mother instructs.
With a deep sigh, Jake goes on. “It went on for months. Each time I was with her, I felt an extreme wave of guilt. Yet…I couldn’t bring myself to end it.
“It wasn’t until your mother found out after following me to a bar, one night. She had suspected something may be going on and took it in her own hands. She caught us drinking and kissing and confronted the two of us. Loudly…in the bar…in front of a very enthralled crowd.”
“How can you just speak like it’s no big deal? Mom?” Luna’s voice is laced with anger.
“Luna. This happened averylong time ago and it’s long forgiven. I had resigned myself to being a single mother when I finally agreed to counseling after my mom suggested it.”
“Boy, was your grandma pissed,” Jake says, obviously remembering the moment like it was yesterday. “I thought your grandpa was going to mount my head over his fireplace.”
“Your father did the whole begging on bended knees, and I stubbornly refused to even listen to him,” her mom explains.
“As you should’ve,” Luna interjects.
“That’s what I told myself. But what I failed to realize was that this man was my entire world. He’s human after all, and humans make mistakes. Small ones and big ones. We promised to love each other through the good times and the bad and I owed it to both of us to see if we could weather the storm and make it out safe.”
“We started counseling.” Jake sits in the vacant recliner and leans forward, bracing his elbows on his knees. “The counselor told us that in order for your mom to even think about forgiving me and moving forward with our relationship, I would have to lay it all out there. I had to give her the dirty details.
“It killed me to relive it all. I watched as each session took another piece of her. Bit by bit, I broke that beautiful woman apart. I vowed to do anything to win her back.” He blinks rapidly, obviously falling back into a time he'd rather forget.
“And I,” Estella adds. “Had to make the decision of where to go once I had all of the information. I was so angry. I couldn’t understand how he could justify his actions by claiming a lack of attention. But that made me look deep into myself. And when I did, I didn’t like what I saw.
“I placed all else above my husband and our marriage and took for granted that he’d always be there. Knowing how I had left him by the wayside helped me to see how little I valued him.Another woman picked up on that and swooped in when he was vulnerable.”
“I can’t believe what I’m hearing.” Luna pushes out of the chair causing me to stumble back and her mom to jump to her feet.
She paces around the desk and we watch her like a predator about to attack any one of us at any moment.
“I saw how sorry he was. I could tell it was a mistake that he’d regret for the rest of his life. And in that moment, I chose to forgive him with the understanding that it was two strikes and you’re out. I learned to place the anger, piece by piece, into a metaphoric box. When it was full, I closed it up and sat it on a shelf, far away from the happy times. I won’t forget it happened, but I choose not to let it into our everyday lives. It’s there, collecting dust and untouched. Where it will always stay.” Her mom finishes and waits for a response.
When the moment of silence grows, her dad adds more.