Page 24 of Save Her from Me
I peeked around. “No idea. Sorry I woke you. Raph just got home.”
She sat up, stretching her arms out, a huge yawn splitting her face. “I need to get up anyway. I’ve got cleaning jobs back to back all morning.”
She repeated my routine—slippers, thick hoodie, slight shiver in the chilly morning air—and we left the room together.
“Wish I had a busy day,” I grumbled.
She nudged me in solidarity and trudged upstairs and entered the kitchen. At the table, my brother waved a fork in greeting, chowing down on a ready meal, still in its plastic container. One of mine. He’d never usually buy or eat junk food. For reasons best known to himself, he’d chosen to work while also doing an escalated training programme, pushing himself to the limit to become qualified in the shortest time possible.
Dark circles ringed his eyes.
“Looking good there, Grim Reaper,” I said with a smirk.
The hand holding the fork inverted so he could give me the middle finger.
Daisy rolled her eyes at us, putting on a pot of coffee. “Training going well?”
Raphael swallowed his mouthful and gave her a long and mind-numbing answer about flight hours and units. I zoned out, already familiar with his fascination with all things flying.
I came back to earth, leaving yet another unfortunate Jackson-shaped daydream, when Daisy said my name.
“If you’re bored later, you can come and hang out with me at the cottage. I’m interviewing a woman who wants to join my cleaning business, and I could use a second person there. I never interviewed anyone before. Ben and I can smuggle you away from the castle on the back seat of our car.”
Ben had rented the prettiest home for him and Daisy to share. They were in the slow process of moving in, acquiring furniture and getting used to the idea of living together. I was beyond thrilled as it meant my friend was staying in Scotland.
I was also part of her business plan as the technical owner for two reasons—she couldn’t legally work here yet and didn’t want to avoid paying tax.
“Are you kidding? Deal,” I accepted immediately.
Raphael took his plate to the sink. “On that note, I’m going to bed. Before I forget, either Ben or one of the other bodyguards will be over later to talk through the safety procedures ye should be following until the situation is resolved. Wake me if I’m needed.”
He left, and soon after, Daisy was picked up by Ben, who gave me a wave but didn’t stop.
Returning to the living room, I slumped on the sofa.
It was early morning in the middle of the week. I should’ve been up at the snowboarding centre, prepping for a class. Or taking on the slopes before my students arrived. But instead, I was stuck inside because of the actions of some jerk.
I didn’t handle downtime well, and definitely not if I was alone. I stared into space, fed up but safe, and with nothing to think about apart from how I’d behaved with Jackson last night.
Also the list that I’d torn from the pad and hid in my bedside table’s top drawer.
The two were forever linked in my mind.
Why did the guy antagonise me so much?
Physically, I could not be more attracted. I’d tried to get rid of my crush, but it had only gotten stronger, to the point where I was pretty sure only banging him would save me.
That was off the cards. He’d practically laughed in my face when I’d offered, and I was never one to make the same mistake twice. The hurt of rejection swelled again, and I forced it down. I was not indulging in that. He didn’t owe me anything.
I needed to reset things with him, which meant some kind of apology or explanation.
On quiet feet, I padded back to my bedroom, hearing only Raphael’s light snoring. I eased my drawer open and fished out the list, returning to the living room with my contraband.
Printed across the top in bold characters was Jackson’s phone number.
I grabbed my phone, saved him as a contact, and sent a message.
Ariel: This is my number, so you have it.