Page 55 of Save Her from Me
“You’re sorry, great. I’ll pass that on,” Jackson replied. “What? No. I’m not asking her that. Got to go.”
He hung up, trying to hold back a smile.
“What did she want?” I asked.
“A favour. Something to do with checking in on their house. Want the details?”
I clucked my tongue. Bridgette and her mother were new to town so probably didn’t have many friends to ask. Or maybe they just lost them easily. I wasn’t about to bend over backwards for them.
“Not right now.”
Jackson watched me. “Was that friendly of me?”
I burst out laughing. “Maybe on a par with the thing you did downstairs.”
“Damn. Then my skills aren’t what I thought they were.”
His eyes twinkled, and my breath caught.
“What was the thing you’re not going to ask me?” I said in a rush.
“Something to do with her house. I’m not repeating it. She’s wasting her breath making more demands of ye.”
I got on with eating my dinner, unwilling to give him anything more than had already passed. There was nothing wrong with his skills, but I wasn’t confessing it. Something about Jackson had pulled me towards him from the very first time I’d seen him. That had just been a crush, unavoidable as he was so pretty, but it had only gotten worse with him giving me the cold shoulder.
Now we were on new ground altogether. He’d had his face between my thighs. He’d made me come. First guy to ever do that. My cheeks heated at the thought.
Across the table, with a clean bowl in front of him, Jackson groaned in what sounded like dismay. “Don’t blush like that. Stop remembering things.”
“You’re the one who did those things. I can’t unmake the memory.”
“It was a moment of madness.”
“Not to be repeated. I get that. I’ll just have to recall every little detail when I’m alone later.”
I jumped up and took my plate to the sink, smiling to myself while running the tap.
Jackson joined me, and we moved into a quiet but efficient clean-up of the kitchen. It was strange having someone else by my side as I worked, as my brother and I split the jobs by days, never getting in each other’s space. Jackson even mopped the floor, swiping at my feet to make me smile.
It was cosy.
Warm and safe.
I didn’t hate having him around.
In the living room, with the lamps on around us, I dropped onto the sofa and checked my messages. “The garage sent an update on my car. They’ve already fixed the damage and said I can go pick it up tomorrow.”
His eyebrows dove together. “It’s better if it stays there. Though I have the urge to check it over again.”
“The mechanics would’ve been all over it, and the police found nothing.”
“Doesn’t mean there’s nothing to find. We’ll go together and talk to the mechanic, so long as you’re happy to hide.”
The lightness that had settled over him during dinner faded, and a warning played out in my mind.
Jackson and I were going to be around each other every day. Our spectacular blurring of the lines had left me more confused over him than before.
He rose and crossed the room to pick up his bag, carrying it back to me. He brought out an item from inside. A phone like his.