Page 32 of Corrupted Kingdom
I pondered that.
‘Lie,’ I said softly. I would ask him for the truth in a moment, but I was curious to see what he came up with.
‘Lie,’ he repeated, studying the wall behind me as he appeared deep in thought. ‘Well, I’d say you’re going to be taken upstairs and given a reprieve. You’ll be allowed to walk out of those front gates, and go on your merry way home. And this is all just temporary.’
Temporary. Huh.
‘And the truth?’
He smiled. ‘I thought you’d never ask.’ He finished with the bandage and let my arm drop softly in my lap. The smile left his face and that glimmer in his eyes faded.
‘You’ll be stuck down here until Emilio decides what he wants to do with you. And you’ll do it. Or he’ll put a bullet in that pretty little head of yours, and bury you where nobody will ever find you.’
‘Oh,’ I said, that sinking feeling in my stomach coming back.
‘What do you think he’ll want me to do?’ I asked.
He paused and my heart leapt into my throat as I anticipated what he might say. You’ll have to fuck strange men. You’ll have to suck their dicks. You’ll have to let them hurt you. You’ll be punished if you do, and punished more if you don’t. Or even the simple, Welcome to hell.
But he didn’t say any of that. Instead, he picked up the first-aid kit and stood, gazing down at me.
‘Come on,’ he said. ‘You know what’s going to happen. You’re a smart girl. You don’t need me to spell it out for you.’
My heart broke. He was right. I knew exactly what was going to happen. I was going to be used and abused, until there was nothing left.
When Dornan left, promising to return with something for me to eat, I didn’t anticipate him returning ten seconds later with his father in tow.
I could tell that Emilio was annoyed, but I had no idea why. I’d done as I was told. Flown thousands of miles with his psychotic employee. Ridden on the back of his son’s bike, effectively blindfolded. Gone to my dungeon like a good little girl.
And then I remembered the blood.
‘What the fuck is this?’ Emilio asked, after he’d burst past his son. Dornan said nothing as Emilio snatched up my arm, tearing at the bandage. He glared at his son. ‘I specifically said not to mark her. Did you do this?’
Dornan remained blank. ‘No,’ he said. As soon as Emilio turned back to me that glint of amusement sprang forth in Dornan’s eye.
‘Who did this to you, girl?’ Emilio demanded. ‘I’ll skin their fucking hide.’
His concern was odd and I was terrified of telling him that I had cut myself.
‘She fell off the bike,’ Dornan broke in unexpectedly. ‘Fainted. It’s lucky she didn’t hurt herself any worse. I don’t think that fucker gave her anything to eat the whole time he had her.’
Emilio ground his teeth around the toothpick that was jammed between his lips, muttering obscenities in Italian. ‘Fucking Murphy,’ he said.
He shook his head, hands on his hips. He looked like the damn Godfather in his tailored suit. ‘Have you checked her out yet?’ he asked Dornan, with such a casual tone it made my skin crawl.
‘Checked me out?’ I repeated.
Emilio threw me a look of derision before looking back to his son.
Dornan shook his head. ‘I was busy cleaning her up. I know you hate mess.’ His jaw clenched as he spoke, and it was obvious to me that he didn’t like the power his father wielded over him.
‘What do you mean?’ I asked, louder this time. ‘What does he mean?’