Page 68 of Corrupted Kingdom
‘Did you like it?’
I felt my cheeks pool with blood as I nodded in the dark.
When she came, he’d almost exploded. He couldn’t believe it. He’d stopped himself once he had his fingers inside her, snapped to his senses by the sound that had come from her mouth.
She was sad. He saw it in the hollow of her cheeks; he heard it in the guttural wail she had let out when he touched her. He had stopped, fully prepared to leave, even if the blue balls might kill him. He refused to make her sadder.
But she hadn’t wanted to be alone.
She had wanted to be with him. Wanted to be beneath him. Wanted to be around him.
He’d barely been able to hold back, but he was damn glad that he had. Because the way she finished him, took it all and swallowed and looked at him for approval afterwards — it made him feel like the motherfucking king.
Rationally, he knew that she was fucking him because it was in her best interests. It was about survival.
But she had liked it. He knew it even before she’d said it. He felt it in the way she locked her ankles around him and pulled him deep inside her. In the way her lips sought out his; in the tight little sobs that escaped her mouth as he fucked her into oblivion. Yeah, she was definitely using him, but at least she seemed to get off on it almost as much as he did.
It made him uneasy about what he was going to do next. The drive. The devastation that would ensue. But he reminded himself that it was necessary. One of his men, Jimmy, was already in place. He had another one, Viper, trailing Mariana’s father and brother.
He knew exactly where they were going. After all, he’d told them where she was.
He watched the steady rise and fall of Ana’s chest as she lay sleeping in his bed. He had had the sense to cuff her wrists to the headboard before he’d drifted off to sleep, so there was no chance of her spoiling his plans. He didn’t think she would, especially after the way she’d responded to him, surrendered to him, but he could never be too sure. He never trusted women. They always ended up letting you down in the end.
She stretched in bed lazily, and as she did, the cuffs around her wrists clinked against the bed head.
Her eyes flew open and she gasped, realising she was chained up. Dornan leaned against the bedroom’s door frame, sipping coffee, black and strong. He felt himself grow hard again just at the sight of her, spread out deliciously in front of him like a goddamn buffet, but he wouldn’t try to fuck her again this morning. As much as his dick was trying to protest, the girl had to be sore after last night’s marathon.
She looked from the cuffs above her head, down to her naked form, and finally to him.
‘Good morning,’ he said. ‘You hungry?’
She nodded. He set the coffee down and undid her cuffs, one by one, probably letting his hands linger a little too long on her delicate wrists as he did so.
Breakfast was bacon and scrambled eggs with chilli sauce, and a side of strong coffee. She wrinkled her nose up in distaste, reaching across and sliding her coffee cup closer. He’d contemplated making her eat breakfast naked, but at the last moment let her have one of those hotel dressing gowns he’d somehow ended up with. It was white and fluffy, with little flowers sewn into the hem. Against Ana’s creamy caramel skin it looked positively divine. It covered her breasts but showed the definition of her nipples.
‘What is that?’ she asked, holding her coffee to her chest as she surveyed his sauce-slathered eggs dubiously.
He laughed. ‘Mongrel’s breakfast.’
‘Which is?’
He chewed his eggs and swallowed. ‘A little huevos rancheros, some Italian coffee, and good ol’ American bacon.’
She studied him as he continued to devour his food.
‘You’re kind of a mongrel, aren’t you?’ she asked.
He grinned. ‘Am I?’
‘I mean, your family is Italian, you’re American, and you like to hang out with a lot of Colombians.’
‘And I grew up on the border of Mexico,’ he added, shovelling the last piece of bacon into his mouth. ‘In the house where you were being kept.’
Her face paled three shades lighter right in front of him. ‘You grew up in that place?’