Page 73 of Corrupted Kingdom
Now his refusal to give me water made sense. I was dependent on him, even out here. Of course, I wouldn’t run.
I started walking again, pushing my hands on my knees to try and get some traction with each heavy, sharp step that tore open fresh skin on the soles of my feet.
Finally, I reached the top of the impressive hillside, panting as I stood beside Dornan.
He took a long sip from his canteen. ‘Want some water?’
‘Yes, please,’ I said.
He nodded, gesturing to a rock beside him. ‘Sit.’
I did, grateful to have the weight off my poor abused feet.
He crouched in front of me, the grin on his face annoying the fuck out of me.
‘What is so funny?’ I asked, a little more sharply than I should have.
Darkness snapped back into his eyes again and I flinched.
‘I’m going to show you something,’ he said, his voice completely serious now. A charge of electricity sizzled and burst as it flared between us.
It was like the air suddenly became thicker, more humid, and if he touched me, I’d burst into flames.
‘Okay,’ I said, my thirst driving me insane.
‘You’re not allowed to run,’ he warned. ‘If you run, I’ll shoot you. Do you understand?’
I nodded.
‘What I’m about to show you,’ he continued, ‘will seem like cruelty. It will make you feel like you want to die. But you’re not going to die, Ana.’
My hands began to shake as I took in a dry, hot gulp of desert air.
‘Are you sure I want to see it?’ I whispered.
He nodded. ‘You’ll thank me, one day.’
‘Water first,’ he said. Delight sprang forth inside me.
I smiled like a good little slave. ‘Thank you,’ I said, and I meant it. I was so fucking thankful that he was finally letting me have something to drink.
Still crouched in front of me, eye to eye, he took the canteen from a loop on his belt and unscrewed it. He smiled slightly as he pressed the stainless steel canteen to his lips, taking a mouthful.
Taunting me?
He set the canteen at his feet, and I frowned in confusion. His smile remained, wolfish and self-assured, and I realised he hadn’t swallowed. He gestured with one crooked finger for me to come closer.
I leaned forward. In that moment, I couldn’t have given two shits that he wanted to give me the water from his own mouth. Ordinarily, the power play would have annoyed me no end. But now, all I saw was an opportunity to slake my unending thirst.
He pressed his lips to mine, raising himself slightly so he was above me. Then he opened his mouth and let the cold water inside flow into my mouth.
It was divine. It was bliss. It was exactly what I needed.
As I swallowed the last drop of water, his hand reached around the back of my head. I tested his hold gently; I wouldn’t be able to pull away if I tried.
Our mouths had been simply touching before, a bridge to pour the water from one vessel to another. But the water was gone now, and I jolted as I felt his tongue against mine.