Page 12 of When Darkness Falls
Miya pulled herself up and squeezed into the vent. She didn’t stop fighting her way through the limited space until she reached the fork marking the end of the cockpit below her and the start of the corridors to various parts of the ship. Only then did she let herself lie down and take a breather.
She would stay here until it was safe. If that never happened, well… An escape pod awaited her in the cargo hold reachable through some very, very tight vents.
Yes, yes, she was such a fatalist! Always expecting the worst to happen, always ready with a contingency plan for the contingency plan. But that had kept her and her passengers in one piece in her five-year career as a pilot, so she was–
Blaster fire reached her ears.
If she could hear that now, then the battle had already reached deeper into the ship. Had it been that long since the boarding? Or had the soldiers began retreating mere minutes after the battle had erupted?
Suddenly, a muffledboomsounded from right below Miya.
She peeked down through the vent’s mesh flooring. There were sparks flying and bits of cables sticking out of the access panel for the cockpit.
The locked doors to which were now wide open.
What? How? But, most importantly, who? Miya hadn’t seen anyone coming down the corridor toward the doors, let alone placing a detonation device or whatever to fry the access panel.
“No sign of the pilot here,” a raspy male voice came from right under Miya’s nose.
Except there was no one standing right under her nose.
“Fine, Santi, I’ll check there as well.”
Who the hells was speaking? He had to be standing at the doors to the cockpit, yet Miya saw no one there!
This had to be a bad dream. A nightmare she was having in that parody of a pilot’s personal cabin, because she had made the fatal mistake of sleeping with a bralette on.
Yes, that had to be it. She simply had to pinch herself and–
“Where exactly is this vent?”
Miya’s eyes were going to pop out of their sockets. Not only because her hiding place was about to be discovered. But also because the bad guy appeared out of thin air right below her.
He wasn’t there one second, and then he was. A tall and slender alien wearing nothing but his birthday suit. Not a single piece of cloaking technology on him. Not a single weapon on him.
Because he himself must be the weapon. The perfect assassin that no one could see coming.
Had she not heard him speak, Miya might have mistaken him for the prisoner. Same smooth bronze skin, bald head, pointed ears, toned bod… But while the prisoner’s voice gave her inappropriate tingles down south, this alien’s gave her the willies.
But forget about that, she had to get out of here before–
He looked up. “I think I see something.”
Eek! What should she do?! Remain perfectly immobile? Crawl for her life?
“Santi, where’s the nearest entrance to the vents?” He moved out of Miya’s field of vision, so he must have entered the cockpit. “Yes, I know I’m too big to fit in there. I just need a clear view inside, and my powers will do the rest.”
Crawling for her life it was, then.
Miya got her ass moving as fast as possible, heedless of the noise she was making in the process. If he spotted her… She didn’t want to see what powers he was talking about.
“I hear someone’s inside.”
Faster! Galaxies, these wide hips of hers were going to be her doom! She shouldn’t have eaten so much pasta–