Page 20 of When Darkness Falls
“This is a distraction for you, but I can do nothing about my state of undress until we reach the local colony. You need to remain focused at least until then. Can you do that, Earthling?”
She reddened but in anger this time. “Someone has a pretty high opinion of himself.” She turned to face him completely before adding, “Newsflash: you’re not irresistible! And I’m not some sex-crazed ‘Earthling’. Oh, and here’s a reminder, since you seem unable tofocusenough to remember: the name’s Miya.”
Therak went silent for a moment then nodded, a slight frown on his face. “I’ll try to use it from now on.”
“Sheesh! Thanks for the grand favor of trying to call me by my actual name.”
His gaze locked with hers. “In my line of work it is only the target’s name that matters. Everyone else I communicate with wishes to remain anonymous.”
“Oh.” No wonder he wasn’t used to referring to people by their names. That was kind of sad. “Why did you give me your name, then? I hadn’t even asked.”
“We would have wasted a lot of time talking had you kept calling me ‘son of a promiscuous alien’.”
Miya bit her bottom lip to stifle a giggle. Because with her fried nerves and this absurd conversation, once she started laughing, she wouldn’t be able to stop.
Therak’s beautiful eyes zeroed in on her lips. Then slid lower to focus on the girls.
Miya cleared her throat. “Will you also do me the grand favor of not ogling me? I won’t stare if you don’t.”
“It is hard.”
Her eyes bulged. “I thought… it was always hard?”
Was that a smile she saw passing across his face for a second? “It is hard not toogleyou.”
“Um…” Was that a compliment? Not that it mattered to her whether Therak found her attractive or not, as long as he kept his respectable distance. “Sorry, I’ll cover myself up as soon as we get to the colony and some clothes.”
He stepped closer, reducing the four steps between them by half. “It is hard not toogleyou when I need to make sure you’re unhurt. You humans are too soft-skinned for your own good.”
“Ha! If you truly wanted to know whether I’ve been hurt, you could have just asked.”
“You could have lied, afraid to reveal a weakness.” His gaze bore into hers, and she found herself unable to look away. His eyes were currently brown with specks of green here and there. “Even now, you hide things from me with your hands.”
“Because I’m naked!”
“You’re not. You’ve got these strange contraptions–”
Miya jumped back before his fingers could get a hold of her bralette’s thin shoulder strap. “No touching! These are undergarments, Therak!”
He let his arm drop but stayed close, looking down at her. And right into her cleavage. “If so, shouldn’t they be providing some coverage?”
She blushed. “Not this pair. Hence why I’m hiding and need clothing ASAP.”
He perused the pushed-up globes of her breasts for another second or two. His pointed ears twitched.
He abruptly turned his back to her. “Undergarments are only a hindrance. Hence why my kind don’t wear any.”
Yeah, no shit. Miya could see that pretty clearly.
Especially since while Therak was examining their surroundings, she was unable to stop herself from examining his backside. A broad and powerful back led to the most biteable perky ass she had ever seen.
Galaxies, she was such a perv. Not having gotten laid in months and feeling the need to celebrate life after today’s brush with death, was no excuse. Besides, Therak was a military prisoner and an assassin. Even if the circumstances were normal, she shouldn’t be knocking space boots with the likes of him.
So, Miya forced her gaze away from those tight buns and onto the bizarre environment. The black sand under her feet turned more reddish the further away from the ocean it was, eventually becoming orange-y several dunes over. The terrain got more elevated after that, so she couldn’t see what lay beyond. Hopefully, the colony with clothes, food, and water.
“Where is the human colony you spoke of?” Therak broke the silence.