Page 23 of When Darkness Falls
“Your scent told me you were speaking the truth. You know nothing of Corcoraba.”
“You got that right,” she muttered.
If Therak could sniff out lies, then his sense of smell was good enough to tell how much his closeness had turned her on. So much for Miya claiming she wasn't sex-crazed.
But she hadn't lied about being mentally strong. That strength had gotten her out of many hairy situations, it should help her pull through this time around as well.
If not, she was going to die out of dehydration because of drooling over a guy while lost in the desert.
Miya burst into giggles again.
Sometime later – one couldn’t really tell with the suns seemingly stuck in one place – Miya discovered being horny, thirsty, and hungry were not her only problems.
She had never been so aware of her inner thigh muscles – and lack of strength in those – before. She wassonot meant for long walks planet-side. Or long piggyback rides, for that matter.
“Therak, can we stop, please?” she mumbled against his shoulder, which had long ago become her travel pillow. “Just for a moment?”
He didn’t stop, but at least he slowed down to a jog. “Why?”
“I can’t hold on anymore. You should give me a break or let me walk.”
He stopped, thank the stars. But he definitely wasn’t happy about it, judging by the look he gave her wobbly legs after depositing her on her bare feet.
“Both options would slow us down, Miya.”
“I know, I know, slowing down might equal death. But I really can’t stay on your back even two minutes longer. I can walk, though.”
Therak stared pointedly at her shaky legs.
She sighed. “Look, the only other option I can think of is you to keep going on your own while I trudge behind. I should be safe from wildlife… hopefully.” Nothing had tried to eat them yet, at least.
In fact, they hadn’t seen or heard a single creature while traversing the dunes. Not eerie at all.
“Once you reach the colonists, you can come back to get me with whatever vehicle they use around here. I’ll be walking in your tracks, so you will have no problem finding me–”
The color of his eyes changed, making them look nearly black.
“Umm… I take it you don’t like that idea?”
“I am not leaving your side, Miya.”
With his rumbling voice and gaze focused entirely on her, his statement sounded romantic. Meaning Miya was starting to lose it.
She crossed her arms over her chest. “What do you suggest we do, then?”
“You will rest.”
“In my arms.”
“Oh, boy.” Did she like the sound of that… But wait. “Will you be running while carrying me? Because that would only add to my list of things that hurt like hells.”
A heartbeat later, she was already in his arms, her body tucked securely against his chest. Then he began to walk up the nth dune for the day.