Page 30 of When Darkness Falls
“What is it?” she whispered. “Danger?”
“My words scared you.” He moved one of his hands from her elbow to the back of her neck. Those long fingers of his started kneading the tension out of the muscles there.
“I… I…” Her brain had just melted. He wasthatgood with his massage technique, as out of the blue as it had come. “I was scared way before.”
“But my words increased your fear. I smelled it on the air. I heard it in your heartbeat.”
“That was not my intention, Miya.”
Was he apologizing? She searched his eyes, which had shifted to a lighter color with specks of blue here and there. They seemed to change like that when he was being emotional. Therak’s version of emotional, that was. Unless Miya was reading him all wrong, and she believed herself good at reading others.
“It’s okay, Therak. I was the one who asked about your opinion, you simply gave it to me.”
He kneaded her flesh some more. “You must not be afraid of me, Miya. You’re safe with me.”
A small smile spread across her face. “Got it.”
He nodded, his eyes returning to their usual color of dark green. His hand at the back of her neck gave her a gentle caress before he removed it from there.
Of course, Miya missed his touch right away. She wasn’t usually so greedy for affection, but neither Therak nor the circumstances were usual, were they?
“Earlier, I wanted to say that whoever the culprit,” he spoke as they resumed their search, “it is an unnecessary risk to stay long enough to meet them, in case they are still around.”
“Right there with you, Therak. Just get me behind the holowheel of an operational ship.”
Yeah, that turned out to be easier said than done. They opened every single door in the station and found no access point to an underground hangar.
That left them with only one other place to look for a ship: the storage building. It wasn’t that big in size, but a couple of shuttles could fit in there.
The thing was that once they got to that building, Therak again shielding her with his body as they traversed the deserted square, the old-fashioned double doors turned out to be locked. With not just one but three padlocks, each on a separate massive chain.
Someone didn’t trust electronic locks, going old school. And that someone might just have screwed Miya and Therak over.
Now what?
“How the hells are we going to get inside?” Miya asked, concern seeping into her voice. At this rate of worrisome moments, she would get an ulcer long before she got off this planet.
If she ever did.
When Therak didn’t reply, she looked up at his face. His expression didn’t reveal a thing, as usual. His eyes, however…
Miya once again found herself mesmerized by the variety of swirling colors. Just like back inside his cage, one eye color washed away the other before it too, got washed away by the next color and the next and–
She jumped, startled, when a thud broke the silence. She looked down to where the sound had come from in time to see a padlock fall to the dry ground. Right next to another. As she watched, the last padlock joined the pile of metal at her feet.
Well, that was one way of solving the issue.
As she helped Therak remove the chains from the doors’ handles, Miya silently thanked the stars for having him by her side. Who could pose a real threat to an assassin who could turn invisible, tap into an impressive amount of stamina, and manipulate objects with his mind? With him, she should be safer than she had ever been.