Page 36 of When Darkness Falls
She resumed bandaging him and was almost done when his fingers wrapped around her wrist. She looked up and met his gaze, the color now stormy blue. Therak was fully awake.
“I said no medkits, Miya.”
She narrowed her eyes at him. “Well, hello to you too, Therak. Sorry for choosing to save you from bleeding to death. You’re wrapped like a burrito, get over it. That’s old-style Earth food, for your information.” In his case it would be a Therrito.
And she was babbling because the tension over him potentially dying on her had just entirely left her like air through a popped balloon.
He did not release her wrist, and his eyes darkened further. “I also told you to stay by the shuttle.”
“Oh, like that, is it? No‘thank you, Miya’,‘you were so brave coming to my rescue, Miya’, just‘you should have done as ordered, Earthling’.” She imitated his gravelly voice as she said it. “Well, boohoo! A measly human saved your tough assassin’s butt – deal with it.”
“I’m the one who is supposed to protect you, Miya, not the other way around,” he underscored, his intense gaze keeping her prisoner as much as the lock of his fingers around her wrist did.
“What was I supposed to do, hm? Let you get killed before my eyes?”
“Keep yourself safe when I was failing to do my job, that’s what. You tend to act out of emotion. Emotions get you killed.”
“Strange. I thought saving you was the rational thing to do. Once that monster was done with you, what chance would I have stood, having its undivided attention?”
“The rational thing to do was to hide in the shuttle and take off once the power was back to 100%. You didn’t need me anymore.”
Miya opened her mouth to argue... and closed it. He had a point there.
The truth was, the idea of ditching Therak on Xera had never occurred to her. And it should have. It might be in her best interest to not take him wherever he wanted to go, since afterwards he planned on making a choice. What if it was between letting her go and eliminating the pilot who knew too much?
“Fine, I have emotions. I saw my partner-in-crap in danger and had to help. So sue me.”
He tugged her a bit closer until their noses were nearly touching. “You are not doing such a thing ever again, Miya.”
A smile tugged at the corners of her lips. Someone didn’t like her being in danger. “No promises.”
His eye color turned from dark-blue to nearly black. “I can handle any danger. Youmuststay safe.”
“Because you’re my pilot.” Said after a moment of hesitation.
“Hmm... Is that the only reason?”
“What other reason can there be?” The way Therak spoke was free of emotion, but his eye color changed again, specks of light blue emerging like stars in the darkness of space.
The last time Miya had seen that color, he had been apologizing for scaring her, in his roundabout way.
“I don’t know, Therak. Maybe you have emotions too?”
“Everyone has emotions. But I never act upon them on a mission.”
“Why did you call me sapphire, then? That sounds pretty emotional to me compared to just Miya?”
“I have never called you that.” Said categorically while the light blue in his eyes intensified.
Liar, liar, birthday suit on fire. “How about your refusal to get bandaged? I’d say that’s emotions rather than reason talking. You wanted to look tough in my eyes, didn’t you? Had to act all macho and stuff?”
“I don’t know whatmachomeans. I didn’t want my wounds treated because it is unnecessary.”