Page 4 of When Darkness Falls
Miya snorted. Did that pickup line actually work on anyone? Then again, his species were known to hit on anything that moved, so someone had to buy into his crap at some point. Miya pitied his fellow unit members.
“My bed is all yours, once you engage the autopilot,” he purred.
“Your bed would be sucked into the vacuum of space once we crash. And wewillcrash while exiting the station, unless you let me take off in peace.”
He laughed, very much amused. “I doubt that, sugar. I asked around the docks earlier, and everyone said the same thing.”
“That you’re a pain in the ass?” she suggested while strapping in.
“I could be… if you let me in there.” He laughed some more, probably at her eye-roll. “Everyone around here thinks you’re pretty good at your job. I bet that applies to other activities too.”
What a horny clown. “The co-pilot seat is for someone capable of flying. That means your place is on a seat back there.” She pointed with a thumb over her shoulder at the row of seats against the wall to the right of the doors. “Strap in.”
Ideally, he would move to the seats at the tail of the ship, but it was clear the Commander had sent him to keep an eye on her. There was no getting rid of the Cordalian just yet.
“Why can’t I remain here? My closeness is distracting you, admit it.”
“Get your tail away from my thigh before you lose it,” Miya said calmly while starting the engines.
The unwelcome hairy appendage, dark-purple like the rest of the Cordalian’s uniform-clad fur, was about to get smacked. Just to assure the soldier she meant business, Miya moved her right hand from the console to the wrench magnetically attached to the side of her seat.
He grinned but did remove his fifth limb from her vicinity. “Hey, relax, sugar. No need to get so fired up… Not until we’re in the sleeping quarters.”
Miya had tuned him out the moment he had pulled his tail back. The steering holowheel underneath her fingers, she gently lifted the ship off the platform.
“How much time until you can engage the autopilot and join me in the sheets?”
Miya began to slowly move the ship toward the exit, despite having the strong urge to leave a certain someone at the station while she still could. Not that throwing him out an airlock later wasn’t an option, if he kept annoying her. She was used to being hit on at the station’s cantina, but when she was piloting? There was only the ship and the stars for her then.
“No autopilot until we jump out of hyperspace. And then I’ll be enjoying a long nap in my cabin. Alone. So, why don’t you try your moves on someone else? Say… your Commander? He does need to relax a bit, anyway.” Adjusting the ship a final time before passing through the open gate, she said more firmly, “Seat belts on. Now. I’m about to accelerate.”
He was too busy laughing at her suggestion about the Commander to care about her warning.
Well, she had tried. Time to gun the engines and join the stars.
“You like it fast, don’t you, suga–”
The acceleration sent the mouthy alien back into his seat with such suddenness that his neck made a cracking sound. But that pain couldn’t compare to what he must have felt when the subsequent deceleration introduced his head to the console.
“Frigonianhells! Thousandpirockson a stick!” The juicy curses just kept coming out of his split lip. “I’m bleeding! My nose…Fruck!”
Miya stifled a smile. So much for his bravado. That would teach him to strap in upon takeoff.
“The medkit is in the wall panel over the seats in the back,” she managed to tell him in between another string of curses. For a soldier, he did get overly pissed at a little blue blood. One auto-stitch over the cracked skin of his flat nose, and he would be as good as new by tomorrow.
“Since you’re already there,” she added over her shoulder once he left her side, “get in a seat, strap in and get ready for hyperspace.”
Miya heard him curse some more while rummaging in the medkit. This time she let herself smile. He wouldn’t be returning to the co-pilot seat, that much was clear. She thought she heard him engage his seat belts, but she didn’t risk taking her eyes off the route before her to check.
Even though there were no ships in the immediate vicinity of the station, she had to stay sharp. Things could change quickly in space, contrary to what every ignorant creature believed.
Only one final precaution to take before making the jump into hyperspace.
“Attention, all passengers,” Miya said on the ship’s internal comms. “If someone is yet to strap in, now is your last chance. Jumping in 30 seconds.”
While waiting for the seconds to tick by, she couldn’t help but think about the one creature on this ship who was definitely ‘strapped in’. What had the prisoner done to deserve this escort to System 6?
Though Miya hadn’t yet been told the exact coordinates they were headed to in that backwater part of the galaxy, it didn’t take a genius to guess their destination was Chernifile Prison. That hush-hush military facility was rumored to be like an impenetrable fortress from the times when humans had had but a handful of space colonies. It was believed to be a place for illegal experiments on creatures from all known planets.